Chapter 29

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i'm on holiday this week so there may not be an update for a while!!
enjoy the chapter❤️‍🔥


It was the middle of the night. I was being rudely woken up by Lando.

"Lando." I croaked, "What's going on?"

"It's Flo. A beeping started coming from her room. The doctors are checking her over now." he panicked.

We both got up and were stood in the hallway looking into to Flo's room by a window. A male doctor then walked out to speak to Lando, "Sir, are you family?"

"Yes, her brother." he replied.

The doctor shifted his weight to his other foot, lifted up his clipboard and began, "So. Flo's head injury is more serious than we originally thought. She may have minor brain damage. We may be able to fix it but it will take time, and a risky procedure. Her spine should heal up okay. A few bruises here and there. Her brain isn't quite sending the right messages around her body, the message didn't reach the heart to keep pumping. So, it stopped and went into V-fib very briefly."

Lando's face went white as a sheet.

"However, she is stable now and should be okay. Please, get some rest. I'll update you and your parents in the morning."

Lando nodded, speechless.

I took a step toward the doctor, shook his hand, "Thank you Doctor."

I then made it my mission to comfort Lando and Oliver as much as I could. Lando being shook up more. He was closer to Flo in age than Oliver.

I eventually managed to get them both to go to sleep at around 2:30am. The next morning was going to be a nightmare, and I knew it more than anyone.

Morning came around too quick. Oliver and Lando were straight to Flo's side. With her every waking minute of every hour. Adam, Cisca and Cisca soon arrived. I explained to them what the doctor had told us the night before and they all shed a tear. The three joined the others in Flo's room. All six of them were emotional. Apart from Flo, the five others embraced themselves in a huge hug. I stayed outside the room. To give them some privacy; this was a time for family.

Adam noticed me outside waiting patiently. He then walked out to me and led me into the room. He tucked me under Lando and I joined the embrace. Adam rejoined the circle and looked at me, "Sky. We have only known for a little bit. But you have no idea how much comfort you have brought to this family in the past hours. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here to help Oliver and Lando. And for that I thank you. You are welcome in our family. As Lando's girlfriend, we welcome you with open arms. There is no need to wait around awkwardly. You are now apart of the Norris family. Thank you Sky."

At that moment, Lando pressed a kiss to my forehead and I started to gently cry. Then Lando and the others joined in.

"I love you Sky." whispered Lando. Into my ear.

"I love you too Lando Norris." was my reply.

"Uh, I'm not dead you know." was all that was heard next. It was Flo of course. She must've woken up only a few seconds ago.

We all released ourselves from the hug and turned to face her.

We all spent time talking with Flo. I got to know her a lot more. She was such a nice person to meet, she always had a smile on her face.

Night came too soon. The hospital said Flo could return home within the next fews days. Lando and I made the decision to return home. He had his phone on just in case, but spending two nights in a hospital bed only made for one was uncomfortable and we were looking forward to sleeping in our bed.

The next few days were spent mainly at the hospital as expected. Friday afternoon came and Flo was discharged. Lando decided to spend the weekend at his parents house near Bristol, I went back to my own house and left him to his family time.

All weekend was very basic, runs, food, films. A good routine for me to get into to be honest. Oh, and I hit the gym a few times too!

Monday came around too soon. I headed to the factory in Milton Keynes. I had spoken with Christian the week before so he knew why I wasn't in the factory, I told him it was a family emergency and he understood straight away.

As I walked in, I was greeted by Christian and Max. "Hey guys!"

"Hi Sky. How are you doing?" Christian asked as he pulled me in for a quick hug.

"I'm as good as I can be thank you." I smiled.

Max also said hello and then the three of us headed into a meeting room. It wasn't often that Max and I were at the factory, but when we were it was great. We would spend all day laughing and you could just tell it pissed Christian off! But he had gotten used to it now.

The days were spent in meetings, the simulator and just prancing about the factory. Oh, and we filmed a video for Sky Sports too!

Wednesday. We were setting out to Austria for the double header. I was VERY excited! I personally love Austria. The lap times are extremely short. If you can do a lap under about 1.05 mins then you have nailed it. I met Jules and the team at the airport and we jumped on the plane. We had a private jet because Austria was home for Red Bull. Air was the Red Bull Ring.

"Heya Jules." I smiled.

"Hi Sky. You're in a cheerier mood today!" she replied.

"Yes I am!". It was true. I had been much happier since Flo had become more stable at home. She wasn't allowed anywhere near the stables yet but she was managing.

I sat down, pulled my headphones on and put some music on. I was okay when it came to flying. I wasn't as bad as Lando. He couldn't stand it bless him.

As I arrived in Spielberg and I got in my rental car. Because I was staying here in between the races I thought it would be easier to just get a rental. It was a nice rental tho, a McLaren 720S.

I drove to the hotel and made myself comfy in my room. I also messaged Lando and asked if he had arrived yet. He said he had and would come round to my room later. It was 5pm when I had unpacked and got myself settled so I went and got an early dinner.

The Austrian cuisine was quite amazing.

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