Chapter 40

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So, I have come down with COVID so you guys might some quicker updates :) 

-- stay safe and love you all! Xx


Sochi was an okay race. I made it to the end. After overtaking Charles, I stayed P5 all the way through. Lando was too far in front to overtake and Charles was too far back to try anything on me. So I was comfortable all race long. Valtteri won. Same as last year. Overall it was a boring race, but at least all 20 of us made it to the end.

My birthday was next week, Red Bull had given me Monday off. But Tuesday was rammed and Wednesday evening we fly out to Turkey for the Grand Prix. I stayed in Aylesbury on Sunday and Monday night. Lando was doing promo with Mclaren all day Monday. The week came and went. Saturday night had arrived. Red Bull had organised a massive team dinner. It was a lovely restaurant in the middle of the Istanbul. A limo was due to come and pick me and Lando up. Christian said they had made sure Lando had a seat, which I was very grateful for. Max and Kelly were also planning on being there. I dressed myself up, straightened my hair and did some makeup. I did a basic black liner with a red lipstick. My dress was royal blue. It looked gorgeous I can't lie.

A knock pounded at my hotel door, I opened it to find a very handsome gentleman in front of me. He pulled me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Does this give you deja vu or what?" he chuckled.

"Lan." I laughed. "You look handsome baby."

He held me by my waist, "Not as beautiful as you."

I grabbed my Chanel purse and we headed to the hotel lobby. The car ride was aided with a glass of champagne, "Happy pre birthday Sky."

I gave Lando a kiss and drank the whole glass rather quickly. I was only allowed one glass of something alcoholic seeing as we had a race the next day. Which I had managed to qualify P4 for. A chance of a podium. Which would make the birthday even more special. The moment we arrived at the restaurant, paps lined the stairs to the entrance. Lando looked at me, "I'll be fine. Just look confident and keep your head up."

He nodded in return and the door was opened for us, he stepped out first, in his adoring black tux. He held his hand out for me to take and I did, stepping out of the car and smiling. I linked my arm through his and we walked up the stairs. As we got to the door, his hand moved to the small of my back. The waiter guided us to the table, lined with Red Bull employees. Easily 50 of us. Everyone began clapping as we walked up to the table, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Lando kissed my cheek and guided us to our seats. We were sat next to each other. He pulled my chair out and I sat down. He then sat down in his own chair. The waiter poured us a glass of whatever the sparkling non alcoholic wine was. Lando and I took one sip after doing a quick cheers with Christian, Geri, Max and Kelly, who were all sat around us. The minute we put the glass down I leaned over and whispered in Lando's ear, "That drink is gross.".

He chuckled, "I know."

Neither of us liked sparkling wine. Champagne I could handle, and most other drinks, but sparkling wine is gross. Never have liked it. The food was amazing, the whole team laughed and enjoyed the evening. Lando and I both ended up ordering diet cokes, they taste much better. Christian looked at us like we were five when the waiter brought them over. Lando and I both giggled away. Max and Kelly joined us in the limo ride home. We sang some classic tunes and drank another glass of champagne. We shouldn't have really but it won't hurt. We got back to the hotel room at 9:30. The dinner started early because of race day. I took off my makeup and Lan and I almost went straight to bed.

Sunday morning didn't feel any different, I got up whilst Lando was still asleep and went out for a quick run around the block. It was only 30 minutes. By the time I returned, it was 8:30am. I swiped me key card on the hotel door and walked in, "Happy Birthday!".

I was taken aback by the loud cheering and shouting. A huge smile spread across my face as Daniel, Max, Carlos, Charles, Holly, Jules, George, Carmen, Alex and Lily all pop out of their hiding places. My face went bright red, but the smile stayed put. "Oh my gosh guys. What is this?"

My bed was littered with wrapped up presents and pastries, a cake was laid out on the side table in the shape of an F1 track. Two sparklers wrote 21 on the top. I could feel tears rising in my eyes, a lump in my throat. I tried to hold it back, but it all shattered when two arms hugged me from behind in a tight grip, and the words, "Happy birthday baby." we're whispered into my ear. I turned around to face Lando, my hands snaked up to the nape of his neck, I pulled him forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you Sky. More than you could ever know."

I chuckled. "That's not possible. Because my love for you is infinite."

"Eww that's gross. Please save it for later." chirped Daniel.

In response to that, knowing everyone was watching, I once again kissed Lando contently, whilst giving Danny the middle finger. The group burst into giggles. After pulling away from him yet again, I went around and hugged everyone who was crammed into my hotel room. I spoke to everyone briefly and made my way back to Lando. He had now picked up the cake, lit the sparklers and was holding it up to me. Daniel had begun singing happy birthday and everyone joined in on chorus. Yet again, my cheeks went a deep shade of red. Almost burgundy. I waited for the sparklers to finish sparkling.

"Make a wish then." came a voice.

"God Lan. You're so impatient!" I giggled, he really had no patience whatsoever. 

Lando put the cake back into the box because we had a race later, so eating a fat slice of chocolate cake was not the way to go. I said goodbye and everyone slowly filtered out of my room, even Lando. I was now alone, with a wrapped up cake and mountain of present bags. Shit, I need to shower. 

After freshening up for the race, I headed down into the lobby. I'd decided to open all of my presents later, so I could focus on today. Istanbul Park was one of my favourites.

one more race// l. norrisWhere stories live. Discover now