Chapter 19: Goodbyes

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Ethan's POV

I was fighting with a warrior from Aria's old pack when she suddenly jumped in front of me, then I heard a gunshot and I got shocked when I saw that Aria fell on the ground, hurt and her stomach is bleeding profusely. I came to her side fast, slowly picking her up and placing her gently in my lap so as to not hurt her. Then I looked around and saw a woman who is holding a gun so I prepared myself to kill her.

"L-let her b-be..." Aria said weakly and she turned back to her human form

"But she shot you?" I replied with anger in my voice but tears in my eyes

"S-she i-is my m-mother... S-so l-l-let her g-go." she said, and I got more devastated than I am. I turned back to my human form and carefully carried her towards the pack doctor to see if she can save her.

When I arrived, they immediately helped Aria and brought her to one of the operating rooms. They ordered me to stay there because I can't follow inside since it is an OR so everything is sanitized. I still want to argue but Evan said to me 'Just let them do their job so they can save her' 

'Okay. I will not argue with them anymore' I replied

"Be sure to save her please..." I said to what I think is a nurse or maybe doctor, but right now I don't care. 

"Yes Alpha. We will do everything we can to save her" she answered then she also entered the Operating Room.

After she left, that is when I let my tears fall freely. I remembered the last time I cried is when my parents died because of rogues. I just want to be with her and I will not forgive myself if anything happened to her. So I got out of the pack's hospital and turned to my wolf form then I headed back to the borders to where Aria's 'mother' is.

I saw that she is still there, to where I left her earlier and she is now looking at her gun. Mumbling some words that I didn't understand clearly. I turned back to my human form and approached her. I asked her with anger laced in my voice, "Why did you do that to your own daughter?" 

"She is not my daughter! Since the day she got her brother killed..." she shouted

"How could you say that? How could you blame her like that! We all know that Andrew, her brother died in a rogue attack." I explained to her

She looked shocked that I know what happened and that reaction left her face as quickly as it came. "So she even told you that huh?" she mocked 

"And you didn't believe her when she said that it is not her fault! Instead you turned her pack against her" I shouted

"Why do you think I will believe her? She is the one who asked Andrew to come with her near our border. Who knows what she is planning?" she reasoned 

"Why would you not believe her? She is your daughter, and we all know that she can't plan an attack like that and Andrew died because he saved her." I explained

"Yes! That is the reason, Andrew died because he saved her so technically she is the reason why I lost my son!" she shouted

"But didn't you think about her feelings? When you blamed her because of Andrew's death, she also started blaming herself! You led her to believe that she killed her own brother! Let alone the mental torture... You even made her your pack's servant and abused her to the point that she feared everyone." I said to her calmly but with venom laced on every word. 

"Did you know that when she just got here in my pack, she is rejected by her first mate? Did you know that he rejected her because she is so weak? Did you know how hard her life is? That when we caught her trespassing in our border, I sent her to the dungeons and with that she didn't know what to do! She feels alone and she thinks that she is useless to every one!" I added

"B-b-but... I-I-I..." she can't continue her words anymore, so she broke down crying.

Theresa's POV

I don't know what to say. I didn't know that I am the reason why Aria became like that. Only now did I realize that I also hurt my daughter all these years. I have been blinded by hatred. I am the reason why her pack hated her in the first place. And now I've hurt her and she is dying. I shot my own daughter, my own blood.

"I-I-I'm blinded by my hatred... I caused her this" I said to myself

"Please say to her... I'm sorry... I don't deserve to be her mother at all" I told the Alpha of the Twilight Moon Pack

"Also, say to her that I love her and I hope she can forgive me from what I've done." I added

"You can tell her that yourself. When you two met after she wakes up" he said with a hint of sympathy in his voice. I know that he is also mad at me for hurting his mate like that. And I'm also mad at myself for hurting my daughter all these years. I know that what I did to her doesn't deserve forgiveness and I don't want her to remember the abuse that she had been through when she saw me again.

"I'm sorry... But I think I can't wait for her to wake up." I said while crying

I slowly pointed my gun with silver bullets towards myself and mouthed 'I'm sorry...' then I pulled the trigger.

The gun slipped from my hand and fell on the ground with a thud along with my body, then everything started to blur, and I can feel that life was slowly slipping away from me. The last thing I saw was Aria's mate running towards me before everything blacked out.

Ethan's POV

I got shocked when Aria's mother suddenly pointed her gun towards heart. We all know that silver bullets are fatal for werewolves. In her case if she fired the gun towards her heart there is no chance that she will survive since it's a silver bullet.

She mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' before she pulled the trigger. I tried stopping her but it was too late. When her body fell on the ground, I carefully picked her up and rush her to the pack's hospital. But she is announced dead when the doctors checked on her. They said that it is impossible for her to live since the bullet penetrated to her heart.

After mourning for her death for a while, I suddenly remembered Aria and I run towards the Operating Room where she brought her earlier.

I waited for hours walking back and forth until a doctor came out and said that she is now stable. But she still needs to stay here in the hospital for further observations.

I thanked the doctor who brought me the news and she replied "Anything for my Alpha and Luna"

"Can I see her now?" I asked

"You can see her later. We just have to move her to a private room then you can be with her" she explained

"Thank you" I said then she left and walked towards to what I think is her office.

After an hour, Josh mind linked me saying, 'Alpha we have defeated all the rogues that tried to enter our territory. As for the Blood Moon Pack's warriors, some of them escaped while many of them got killed.'

'That's great, after we sort things here in our pack we will go to Aria's old pack to either make peace with them or let them submit to us' I replied

'How is Aria by the way? I heard that she got shot. Is she okay now?' he asked worriedly

'Right now, the doctors got finished operating in her but they will have to observe her for a few days and wait for her to wake up to see if there is any complications.' I explained to him. I know that right now only he can understand how I feel.

'Don't worry, we all know that Aria is strong so she will not simply give up' he assured me making me feel a little better.


Author's Note

I decided to extend the story a bit so I think it will be 23 to 25 chapters long.

Hope you like this chapter :)

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