ᎥᎥ. Running To You

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3 days before the date

     Jimin sat on the bench like usual, waiting for Jungkook to come. And when he did, his lips curved up into a big smile.

     "Hyungie!!" Jungkook called out while panting.

     "Hi, Jungkook. How are you today?" He asked.

     "Can we run away together, Hyung?" Jungkook asked suddenly.

     Jimin looked surprised before laughing. "Sure Jungkook. Where do you want to go hmm?" Jimin asked.

     "Really? You don't have any questions?"

     "Nope. I will go wherever you go. Now tell me. Where are we going?" Jimin asked.

     "Let's go far away! Somewhere no one can find us." Jungkook said, moving closer to his ex-teacher. "Can we, Hyung?"

     "Sure Kook. Somewhere far where no one can find us." Jimin smiled.

     Jungkook slowly attached their lips, placing his hands on the man's shoulder. They kissed slowly and passionately, forgetting about all their worries.

     They were each other's medicine.


     "C-can I take you to my home, Jimin Hyung?" Jungkook asked after pulling away, breathless.

     "Sure Kookie." He said.

     "Wait a minute. I will make a call." Jungkook quickly dialled their landline and when someone picked up, he spoke cautiously. "Hmm hello. Dad?"

     "Mr.Jeon is not home, young master."

     "Oh okay. Thanks." Jungkook quickly hangs up. "Let's go, Hyungie!!" Jungkook grinned, taking Jimin's hands in his.

     "Is everything okay, Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

     "Of course, Hyung," Jungkook replied, not wanting to talk about his Dad's drama and ruin the mood.


     Jungkook sat his Hyung in his room, locking the room door. "This is my room!!" He said excitedly.

     "Can you tell me what decorations you have in your room, Jungkook?" He asked.

     Jungkook grinned.

     He grabbed Jimin's hand and took him to the side of his room. He slowly placed his hand in the picture. Jimin smiled.

     "It's a picture of me and my Mom. She is kind and loving. I really love her but she isn't with us anymore." He said before leading Jimin to the next one. "I painted this, Hyung." He whispered.

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