The Relationship

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"what have we got"
"25 year old male dislocated left shoulder, laceration to the head and stomach"
"ok get him to room two"
"oh and Dr dawson we've got at least 8 more ambulances coming from the same scene"
"what happened?"
"5 car pile up"
"well this is going to be long day, someone get me dr Rhodes"

After dealing with all 9 patients that came in the ambulances from the pile up and another 10 people with various different injuries throughout the day made it a very long day.

I was leaving the room of one of patients with about an hour left of my shift when he approached me
"omg you scared me"
"sorry.. " he said with a slight chuckle
".. Busy day?"
"you could say that again"
"well how about we spend the evening at mine with a couple beers and just drink the day away"
"i think that sounds great, I really need a drink after this day"
"yeah I could do with a drink too, so how about you come round an hour after shift"
"sounds good, I'll see you there Dr Rhodes"

2 hours later
*knock knock*
"you know I told you that you don't have to knock"
"Yeah well I feel rude just walking in"
"well do you wanna watch something" he said passing me a beer from the fridge
"I don't mind you choose I always choose"
"Ok then how about starwars"
"anything but starwars"
"see this is why you always pick the films" he said slightly laughing I turned to him and started laughing too "I guess it is, well I said you could pick so we can watch starwars"
We just sat there and watched films and just talked and laughed it was one of the best nights we'd had so far
"so I was thinking" I turned to him as he sounded serious
"ok and"
"and as much as I like our friend ship I think we would be better as more than friends"
"are you telling me you want to date me"
"uh I guess I am"
"well then Dr Rhodes I would very much like to date you"
"good because that means I can do this"
He leans in closer to me as lean in to him and we kiss but I wasn't just any kiss it was like a 'I've wanted to this for a very long time and now I've finally built the courage to do it'  kind of kiss (you can imagine what happens next)

The next morning while lying in bed

"hello gorgeous"
"hello handsome, so last night really did happen it wasn't just a dream"
"well if it was a dream then it was an extremely good dream"
"getting cocky now are we Connor"
"oh using my first name now"
"Well we're not in the hospital and now that we are dating I guess using your first name just felt right"
"so are you officially my girlfriend then"
"if you want me to be than yeah I can officially be your girlfriend"
"good because that's exactly what I want actually that's exactly what I've wanted for 2 months now"
"yeah really"
I smiled at him and kissed him one more time before getting up and going back to my apartment to change before going to work.

Authors note: sorry for not uploading I know a lot of people arent reading my story but I am very grateful for the people who are. So thankyou very much for reading my story.

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