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Author's pov; 2 Months Passed.

It's been 2 months since that incident and (Y/N) still hasn't woken up yet. And for the passed months, Kobe and his boys were thinking of a plan on how to end Noah.. The son of a bitch.

Haha, and today was the day of WAR.

Kobe: "That's it, we have all the information needed to kill that asshole. Aight, let's go over the plan one more time and get ready."

Derek: "First, it's me. When we arrive, I'll turn off and connect the security cameras to my laptop, that way I can watch Noah's bodyguards and warn you is something goes wrong."

Kobe: "Good. Now, Mike and Vallyk?"

Vallyk: "Once Derek is done with his part, Mike and I will hide on a high spot to shoot whoever tries to run away. We will clear your way from the bodyguards which will be surrounding the house. And with that, no one will know that you're after Noah by using Mike's special gun. When your shoot, it doesn't make any noise."

Kobe nodded and then looked at Manolo, Jaiden and Ballo, waiting to hear their part and what they'll be doing.

Ballo: "Me, Manolo and Jaiden will just come with you to kill the people in that are in the house, and we'll get to Noah without any problems."

Manolo: "Guys, we need to gather a lot of extra bullets and guns, also the first aid kit. Just for safety."

Kobe: "Cool. Get ready, I'll be down in a bit."

Kobe told the boys before heading back upstairs..

Ballo: "The old Kbreeezo is back. He's not been this cold in a while since he met (Y/N). But now, when she's in a coma? He's back to his usual state."

Jaiden: "I hope she wakes up soon, though. I miss seeing that little kid's smile and Kobe's soft side."

Mike: "I was also thinking about how much she changed our cold Mafia Boss. To be honest, I miss her. And we talk to her once in a while, so I'm sure she'll feel our support."

Derek: "Yeah, one time when I was speaking with her, I thought she raised one of her eyebrows at me. I was just blown away and couldn't believe my eyes so I was mostly staring at her eyebrows for a whole 5 minutes."

Vallyk: "Nah, you was just-"

Manolo: "Hallucinating!"

The boys looked at each other for 2 seconds before laughing their asses off. but then Jaiden realized something..

Jaiden: "Aye, what are we sitting around for?! Boy, we got to pack our guns and-"

Ballo: "Peace!"

Ballo quickly got off the couch and headed down to the base, the others following behind him in a hurried pace.


Kobe: "Hey, Princess!"

Kobe smiled and laid down on the bed beside you, creasing your cheek. 

Kobe: "Today is the day I'm gonna get revenge. Once I get back after ending Noah, I'll come straight back here and lay besides you, and wait patiently for you to wake up."

He chuckled and interlocked his fingers with yours.

Kobe: "I'm sure you're gonna scold me for taking revenge on Noah but it is what it is. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I know you feel me, just like how I be feeling you."

He smiled as a little tear came out of his eyes, remembering the day you got shot. Kobe slowly started loosing hope but he stayed strong for her and still believed that she'll wake up. He just needs to be patient and let God do his work. 

Kobe sighed and kissed you hand softly.

Kobe: "I called mom and she said she'll stay with you until I'm back. I also left some of my bodyguards to surround the house so nothing won't happen to you and mom. On the other hand, I'll be back, just.. stay here. Cool?"

kobe let out a weak smile and hovered over you a bit. He leaned in and landed a soft, loving peck on your lips before pulling away.

Kobe: "I. Love. You.

With that being said, he walked out of the room and closed it back before heading downstairs. He walked in the room and saw the boys locked and loaded.

Kobe: "Ready?"

Derek: "Yeah. And you mama's here."

Kobe: "Where is she?"

Derek: "Kitchen."

Kobe quickly walked his way to the kitchen to see his mother having a glass of water.

Kobe: "Mommy~"

He playfully whined and walked over to hug his mom, she doing the same.

Mrs. Morris: "Hey, baby! Are you feeling fine?"

She asked and ruffled her son's hair. Mrs. Morris knew what had happened to (Y/N) and she would visit her often with Mr. Morris in hope that she'll wake up. He rarely visits because he's busy.

Kobe: "I'm feeling.. usual. She's still asleep... What if-"

Mrs. Morris: "Baby, don't loose hope. And will you be alright? I mean, it's a very dangerous idea to go against Noah and his gang. I don't want you to loose."

Kobe pulled away from the hug and looked down at his mother, placing his hands on his hips.

Kobe: "Mom, you know what they did to my (Y/N). Kidnap her all other related."

Mrs. Morris: "B-but what if you or one of the boys get injured? I can't handle-"

Kobe: "Mom, they knew what they signed up for and they also want to take revenge for (Y/N). I will come back here alive and well. Don't forget who we are, who I am. We're..?"

Mrs. Morris: "Born to be Killers."

Kobe: "Exactly! We have to end all of this mess today."

Mrs. Morris: "Okay."

Kobe: "I love you, mama. Take care of my Princess!"

He said as he made his way to the front door along with the boys.

Mrs. Morris: "I love you too, and I will!"

Mafia's Princess~ Kobe MorrisWhere stories live. Discover now