Chapter 1 - A Thousand-Year-Old Vision

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Hi, everyone! So, if you've been reading my stories, you'll know that I'm into Elvis. Elvis was a recent interest. I've always been a Potterhead, or more, a Dracohead. I've written many Harry Pottery stories on under the same username as this site, with all of them with Draco as the main character. I'll soon get those up, but until I do, enjoy this one. I wrote it a few years ago.

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Draco had encountered ghosts before in his past five years at Hogwarts so far, since they liked to wonder around like the students, but never had he seen this ghost, a ghost of a beautiful girl who looked around his age. He was not normally mushy or sentimental or whatever it is called, but that girl was probably the most beautiful girl he had seen up close. She had just floated up to him after he had eaten dinner on one particularly cool autumn evening and surprised the snot out of him, and nothing normally could surprise him that immensely. She told him some interesting things to say the least... the first thing being her name.

"Annabelle Ravenclaw..." he muttered as he walked to the Slytherin common room after encountering the ghost girl just twenty minutes before. The second interesting thing was just how long she had been wondering the halls of Hogwarts unnoticed. He would have certainly heard of a beautiful ghost girl from the male students. He loosened his tie, recalling that number of years—exactly one-thousand years ago, eight years after Hogwarts was founded, to be exact.

"One-thousand years," he said, still not quite believing it. She probably died not that long ago since no one had seen her, or maybe she just hid herself expertly.

Draco entered his common room and didn't bother greeting his friends sitting on the sofa near the lit fireplace. He went straight up to the bedroom and found his bunk in the far left corner, away from everyone else's. He changed and got into bed, staring at the stone ceiling. He thought about Annabelle. He just got her name and how long she had been dead, then someone came into the empty corridor and scared her off. He was truly curious about her. How did she die? She looked as if she was his age, maybe a year older. And why did he see her in the corridor he usually walked to get to the common room? Given, it was a back way, but still. One would think that a ghost with the last name of Ravenclaw would haunt a corridor near the Ravenclaw common room.

Draco closed his eyes, and the next time he opened them, he had just come out of a dream where he encountered Annabelle again, only she was a living, breathing human. He about asked how she died, but someone shouted and jolted him awake. He sat up, groggy, and made a mean glare at the first-year boy who shouted, but the boy didn't notice. Draco got out of bed, got ready for the day, while trying not to look at his Dark Mark tattoo. Thank goodness he hadn't needed to do anything for the Dark Lord lately, aside from his current task, but now that he thought that, he would be asked to do something else he did not want to do.

Draco took the same rout he did the night before, hoping to see Annabelle again. His pride told him it was just to satisfy his curiosity of just how she died and why she randomly popped up suddenly, but the male in him just wanted to see that face of hers, even though it was gray-blue because she was a spirit.

He came to that corridor, but it was empty. He stood there for a moment, and he thought he saw something like a ghostly dress come out through the wall, but someone came into the corridor and the dress vanished. Draco blew air out of his mouth in irritation as more people started walking through the corridor. Maybe he would just give up at the moment. He walked on to the Great Hall and almost ran into Hermione Granger of all people as she was walking in with Potter and Weasley. He avoided the impact because he didn't want to touch a mudblood. Before, he was disgusted by them, mainly her, but now, he just avoided them because being near them would tarnish his image and how he fe;t. Meaning, he would feel like he would need to shower if he touched one.

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