Conversations with Matthew Williams(Canada)

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Ganondorf Dragmire: *sits at throne with chin rested on fist, elbow rested on the arm of the large chair*

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: *The Canadian looks around, confused on his whereabouts. "Well done Canada, You're lost" He thought.*

Ganondorf Dragmire: Why have you come here puny boy... *leans forward to get a better look of you* Whom smells of maple syrup and.. What is your name? *not knowing who you are like all of your other companions*

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: M-Matthew Williams.. Sir. S-Sorry am I intruding?

Ganondorf Dragmire: Hmhm*chuckles darkly before leaning back and returning to position* You look awfully like that Link boy.... Whom I really.. Really.. hate. *Chuckles again and triforce on the back of hand glows*

Ganondorf Dragmire: Are you related to the boy....

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: No, Sir.

Ganondorf Dragmire: Good.. Otherwise you would've been crushed under my fists. *Polar bear comes out from behind Matthew and walks up to Ganon's throne*\

Ganondorf Dragmire: *twitches* What is this..?

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: K-Kuma! *Matt grabs his pet and holds him, The polar bear asking who he is yet again. Canada sighs.* I'm Canada, Your owner.. U-Um.. This is Mr.Kumajiro, My pet p-polar bear.. Ey.

Ganondorf Dragmire: *Ganondorf smirks at how cute and amusing Matthew was, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his antics* I find you very amusing, and your polar bear..

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: W-Why is that, Sir? *With a swift hand, He brushed some hair back.*

Ganondorf Dragmire: Because.. *flinches at admitting this* Your just cute. Your voice is soft and you are very weak. It's just adorable. *looks to the side and blushes lightly* A-Anywho... How have you came to my fortress??

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: O-Oh I uh.. Got lost.. S-Sorry am I not suppose to b-be here? *He swallowed, slightly scared.*

Ganondorf Dragmire: No no you are fine.. *Rubs temple* Ugh, I can't believe I am saying this but how should I help you get home so you don't irritate me any longer. *Isn't irritated, is just getting a boner*

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: W-Well I wouldn't n-need help, Sir. I-If I got myself l-lost then I can uh.. F-Find my way back? *He smiled, Holding the bear gently. 'Who are you?'* ..I'm Canada your owner.

Ganondorf Dragmire: Well be off then.. *Shoos hand at you* But if you need any help just come back and ask, that is if you walk in a circle...

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: I-I'll try not to.. Sir.. S-Sorry to bother you. *Canada looked down as he turned away to head of, Kuma broke free of his grasp and ran off in the direction opposite from where he came.* For the love of maple..

Ganondorf Dragmire: Goddesses... *mumbles lowly as the polar bear runs past his throne*

Matthew Williams {Canada -Wearing a flower crown-}: *Matt's light footsteps glide across the floor as he chased his pet.* I'm so sorry! K-Kuma never acted this way!

Ganondorf Dragmire: It's fine, it's fine.. *grunts as he gets up from throne and pops back* Guess I'll help, as if I have anything else better to do. *follows you to find your polar bear*

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