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Nicki was so happy, she didn't want to tell Rihanna because she knew that she would get mad. Nicki went upstairs to the bedroom to where Rihanna was (on the bed).

Rihanna: I have to talk to you about something

Nicki: ok go ahead

Rihanna: Nicki, I really love you, you are beautiful, intelligence, and most fun woman ever. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

As Rihanna gets on her knees, she says

"Onika will you marry me"

Nicki covers her face and a tear comes down her face. She uncovers her face and she says,

"I love you .... But I can't.... I can't, I can't go back into marriage right now".

Rihanna has a hurt look on her face and gets up.

Nicki: " I'm sorry baby. The only reason is I was hurt by Drake but I love you with all of my heart, I'm sorry babe, I'm sorry"

Nicki starts crying as she hugs Rihanna.

Rihanna pulls back and she runs to the bathroom, she sits on the toilet and cover her face.

Rihanna's Thought: It have to be something going on between her and Ciara. She denied my love. I love her.

Rihanna starts crying softly.

Nicki then knocked on the bathroom door and comes in.

Rihanna looks at Nicki.

Nicki: I'm sorry Rihanna. I love you baby.

Nicki walks over to Rihanna and kisses her (neck to lips) I never meant to hurt you. I just don't want to get caught in the same thing again and get hurt again. I know you won't hurt me, but I just don't feel free to marriage yet but I'm happy with you and I love you.

Rihanna: but just tell me the truth, do you have feelings for Ciara? Just a little?

Nicki: no, all my love is to you and that's the truth. Ciara is nothing to me.

Rihanna: I trust you.

Nicki smiles and gets on top of Rihanna and starts grinding and touching Rihanna's boobs under the shirt.

Rihanna: *moans* baby

They had sex.

Love Triangle 3:Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now