You don't mean that

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Warning: Heartbreak, angst, happy ending, lies, Regulus's death, hurt,

"I love Lily," James says breaking the once comforting silence. Regulus turned to look at James in shock but James didn't look at him he just stared straight ahead avoiding Regulus's eye. "This," he motioned between him and the grey eyed teen, "is wrong all of it. I'm in love with Lily. You were just- just a distraction. She likes me she told me today and well I- we have to end this." James once warm comforting hazel eyes were now cold and foreign.

Regulus felt his heart break with every word. A look of hurt flashed across Regulus's face before it went blank but James didn't miss the way tears welled in the younger boys eyes."You don't mean that," regulus whispered so quietly it could have been mistaken for the wind. His words were uncertain and he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more then James.

"I do Regulus," James pointedly ignored Regulus's wince as if his words at burnt him. James always called Regulus by a nickname never by his own name. "I love Lily."

"I- but you promised. You said you'd never leave me. You- you said you loved me." When James avoided Regulus's eye Regulus realized he was lied to this whole time. "You didn't did you? You loved her. You said u loved me when she was the one on your mind the whole time. You know what if you want her be with her. I can't be with man who doesn't love me. I'm not going to beg you to stay not when you're in love with another cause I actually care about how you feel. I don't use people for my pleasure or date them just because of the simple fact that they're there and you feel lonely. I knew it I saw all the signs yet I ignored them all cause for once I thought that I could actually be loved. That someone could actually love me, but I guess I was wrong... again."

Regulus got up and walked away. James didn't call out for him. James didn't run after him. James didn't apologize. James didn't love him. He loved her. Of course he did why would anyone want Regulus he wasn't as pretty or brave as Sirius. He wasn't as nice or charming as Lily. He was just simply him. Regulus was being dragged down by the inferis gripping on as tightly as he could to anything but he was to weak. The poison not only weakened him but it made him relive one of his worst memories. Right before he was dragged down to his death he whispered his final words, "He promised."

The end.

Regulus shot up gasping for air. He was alive and he was somewhere. His lungs felt tight and his vision was blurry. "Reg oh sh*t um hey it's okay breathe I'm right here. It was just a nightmare everything's okay. Nothing can hurt you not here." Regulus blinked before he was able to take in his surroundings. Regulus was in a bedroom it seemed to be brown all- wait he was in a cottage just like he always dreamed of. Looking to the side a worried James sat there staring at his husband. When regulus threw himself at James to say the messy haired boy was surprised is an understatement but he hugged him back regardless.

James rocked the man back and fourth like a mother does to her child. He whispered sweet nothings and comforting words into the younger mans ear as they both swayed softly. It wasn't until soft snores were heard coming from Regulus's mouth that James had stopped and pulled back to look at the boy. Regulus's head had taken shelter into James neck until James had pulled back slightly to inspect the boy. Regulus eyes were closed and his lips were parted slightly. He had tear stained cheeks and his face was flushed. James wondered what could have scared his husband so bad to the point of tears but soon decided he'd ask in the morning for now he too soon slipped into a dreamless sleep. It was all just a bad dream.

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