Chapter 1- Welcome to Mystic Falls

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This link is what Afia looks like.
Chapter 1- Welcome to Mystic Fall

Afia's POV.

I was walking. Walking towards hope. The sides of the road were dirty and long. I kick around the dirt as I walk with the point of my boots. Almost there, yet so far away. I finally reach part of the town. Mystic Grill. This town must have a thing for the word mystic. I walk in and automatically take notice to the British being, which just so happens to be a hybrid. In a way, he reminds me of myself. He has blue eyes, and an expression that says, don't mess with me. I take a seat beside him on a stool and order a shot of bourbon.

"You seem way to young to be drinking.", says the man with his british accent.

"I'm 22.", or at least my I.D. says that. I'm truly 818. Yeah, that's right folks. I'm older than your whole family combined. This guy seems to be human. But, there's a scent of wolf and vampire mixed together. A hybird. I mean, they're not ancient to me. I'm one myself. I'm part wolf, vampire, human, and witch. Boom. I bet I just blew your mind.

"Well a pretty girl like you, so young, should not be getting hooked on this sort of habit.", he says, trying to continue the conversation. The bartender slides over the drink. I take a sip. It burns, but feels good.

"Well I don't like to take orders from strangers like you. So what are you doing in this town? Or do you just live here?", I ask. I take another sip, having gotten used to the burn.

"No love, I'm just in town to, check on a friend of mine before a dear friend of mine gets married.", he says.

I chug the rest of the drink and begin to leave. I was getting very hungrey. If I stay much longer, I may just feed on this guy.

"Well, I've got someone to find. Hope you have fun at that wedding.", I push the barstool under the counter and walk to the door. Before I could do so, a hand flies out and grabs me.

"Not so fast love. What's the rush? We just started to get to know each other."

He finishes off his drink and drags me outside with him.

"Hey dude. I don't think that you want to mess with me.", I stutter. Who did this guy think he was?

"I think that I'll be fine. It's you who you should be worried about."

He drags me towards a car and opens the trunk. My stomach begins to grumble. Food. I need some.

"Please don't. I, I, I'll give you money. Although, just by looking at you, it appears that you've got all the money that you need.", I say.

"No need for money dear. I just want you for a road trip snack." He tries to put me in the trunk, but I fight back.

I knee him where the sun don't shine using my vampire strength. I begin to run into the woods. I must at least find a grave yard, I'll be more powerful there. I can tell that the man is following me, and he's fast. I see the graveyard in my line of vision. Just a few steps. But before I can even get there, I'm pushed into a tree, hard. Everything around me started to dissapear.

Soon the man's face appeared before me.

"You know what, I've changed my mind love. I want to take you to my home, to figure out who you are.", he says. He throws me over his shoulder.

"In igne flammae", I chant. 'Into the fire, into the flames."

The man begins to go up in flames. He realizes what I'm doing and hits me hard on the head, knocking out cold.

I guess I'm now in the hands of a psycopath.

tah dah! How was that? I've been thinking of the originals all week, and I really want to get the first few chapters up this week. so there you have it. i guess you now know that i skipped a few books this week. Well whoops. I guess ill catch up eventually.

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