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ZIggy and I scanned the bus and sat in the only open seats together which so happened to be behind Alice and Arnie. I scooted behind Alice who did a double take then hit Arnie's arm causing him to turn around and look at me. 

"Arnie this is Y/N the girl I told you about my cousin," Alice brags "the witch." I roll my eyes and flip her off as the driver turns on the bus and starts driving.

"You need to tell that story about the girl possessed by Satan at camp the Sunnyvallers will lose their shit and maybe we can get someone to be covered in pigs' blood and scare the living shit out of them." Arnie rants doing weird hand gestures that I can't help but laugh at. 

"The campers would be so scared they wouldn't leave their bunks... meaning less work for us!" Alice joins in giving Arnie a smirk then they turn back around start whispering to each other. 

Ziggy scoots closer to me cupping her hand around my ear and leaning in before whispering. 

"Are you related to Sarah Fier or one of the other Shadyside killers by any chance because I get she's your cousin but why is she calling you a witch I mean-" Ziggy whispered low enough so Alice and Arnie couldn't hear but I zoned out listening to her voice, she probably has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life.  The bus making a stop short brought me back into reality. 

I looked over at Ziggy and her eyes widened asking for answers I'm so screwed. With all the kids yelling and music blasting whispering didn't seem like an option anymore. 

"So y'know how when Goode asked Shadyshide or Summervale and I said.... well you know that wasn't completely true. It's because I'm not from here, I'm from Massachusetts. Salem, Mass with the witch trials and haunted crap." Ziggy sighed of relief at the realization that I wasn't related to the Shadyside killers or Sarah Fier. 

I stand up and pat Alice's shoulder causing her to look at me mouthing  'what' at me trying not to move a lot since Arnie had fallen asleep on her. 

"Hey, do you know when we find out what cabins we're in?" I ask as her face turns pale and she reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. Hitting Arnie's arm forcing him to wake up. He gave her an irritated look but when shown the piece of paper they both immediately stood up Alice hinting at me to sit back down. 

"Hello, these  are your cabin assignments and remember I do not care if you don't like them deal with it." Alice announces as ZIggy looks over and laughs at Cindy cringing at every word she says. 

"Cabin One Sheila, Karen, and Macy... Cabin 5 Ziggy Y/N and last but not least Cabin 9..." Alice finishes before sitting down exhausted. 

"Okay everyone let's- Arnie yawns and a few giggles are heard from at the back of the bus "Cabin 1....." 

It seemed like an eternity waiting for all the names to be called out second by second the bus seemed to get hotter and hotter causing everyone to get stuck to their rubbery seats. The second the bus stopped and the doors were opened everyone sprinted out to find some relief from the sun. Tommy and Arnie unloaded the bus as Cindy talked to the younger homesick campers. Arnie recognized my name and threw me my bag and after a while of searching, Ziggy found hers too. 

"We're getting beds next to each other right?" Ziggy asks as we both speed walk over to cabin 5. 

"Obviously," I reply before grabbing onto her hand and pulling her to cabin 5. I look around quickly and realize no one else is here yet. I hear ratting and realize Ziggy already chose our beds. I put my bag down on the bed next to her and we both start unpacking while our other bunkmates run in and fight over beds. 

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