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"Okay campers listen up when I call out your name come on up and get your package or letter, got it ," Joan exclaims holding up a thick wad of letters a few packages behind her. One of them for me from Shiloh.

The long list of campers goes on with letters until it finally gets to the packages. 

"Okay last but not least Y/N, Sheila, Susie, Jonathan," The four of us get up to grab our packages Sheila putting her hand on the top of the box to stop me from grabbing it. I put my hands on the side and tug at it. 

"Wow, I'm surprised someone actually sent you something. Miracles do happen," Sheila scoffed finally letting go of my box and grabbing hers putting it under her arm.  Waiting to see if I'd open mine in front of her.

"Not a chance," I grumble snatching mine and walking out of the Mess Hall. The feeling of Sheila watching me making me tense until I walk up the steps to the cabin shutting the door behind me. I sit on my bed and grab the pocket knife from under Ziggy's bed opening up the box. A letter on top of the 4 cans of spray paint.

"Hey Y/N I hope you put these to good use or it would all be for nothing, also try not to get caught this time. I hope you and that girl you talked to me about get together for the summer or not I mean you have 3 weeks left then you're back home 10 hours away from Shadyside. So make the most out of it punch the bitch that's giving you trouble on the last day. They can't kick you out when you're already going home. You're mom called a few days ago and asked for me to tell you she's really trying to get better. We both know that's complete bull but what are you gonna do. I sent you that crystal you like the one that's like universal for everything. Anyways have fun with these and if anything happens call me."  Shiloh wrote I pick up the piece of quartz in the box placing it under my pillow. I never knew he paid attention when I ranted about crystals. 

I shove the box under my bed hiding it inside my duffle bag. I fold up the letter deciding to use it as a bookmark. I may hate her guts but I do still hope this is her last time at rehab. At least until I can move out and figure out what I want to do with my life. I wonder if I should write him back or wait till the next time I can call him in privacy. I don't need everyone here knowing my business. 


1 am rolls around quicker than expected I grab the duffle bag and the spray cans making sure to not shake them so the sound of the ball inside hitting the metal doesn't wake up anyone else. I look over to the bed next to me, this time around Ziggy fell asleep or maybe she's just faking it similar to what I did last time. It's hard to tell her back's facing me.

I scoot over to the bed rubbing her arm in an attempt to wake her up, her turning over yawning. Her eyes trying their best to stay open.

"10 more minutes," she whispers groggily pulling her blanket over her again to hide her head.

"No ten more minutes sleepyhead it's time to get up we have stuff we need to do," I whisper pulling the blanket from under her head. Her blue eyes finally opening coming to realize what I mean by stuff. She gets up and throws on her shoes this time grabbing a hoodie. 

"Pass me two," she mumbles as I give her the gold and red spray cans then shoves them into her pocket. We both manage to make it outside without waking anyone up. I guess Ziggy was right after a while your eyes manage to become used to the dark.  This time around I could easily make out where I was going and following the dirt path became a lot easier. 

"Any ideas," I whisper opening the door to the outhouse trying not to imagine where everything goes. 

"I was thinking some x's on the doors I don't know," Ziggy admits shaking the can. 

"We're probably gonna get caught for this so might as well make it count," I teased spraying a heart above one toilet then walking over to another to write "Sarah Fier," 

"I thought you didn't believe in her," Ziggy snickered still spraying X's everywhere

"I don't but it'll probably scare someone and that's all that really matters," I reply signing a heart instead of the dot for the I.

"Shit," ZIggy coughs covering her mouth and nose with her hoodie, the paint fumes. 

"Let's get out of here we've done enough," I admit opening the door out so Ziggy can catch her breath thinking back to all the places I've tagged. Realizing it must be at least a few dozen if the fumes stopped bothering me. At least I didn't try to get high of it. 

The first place I ever tagged was the side of Shiloh's workplace if you can even call it that. He caught me then from there we started to hang out. I got him, customers he gave me advice and a small cut of the profits. 

"Let's throw them out here, it's not like we need to hide the evidence," I whisper tossing mine in the can next to the outhouse. She tosses hers too as we make our way following the dirt path back to the cabin. 

"I say for our next adventure we break into the nurse's station and see what's in that book Nurse Lane had," Ziggy pleaded 

"You can, I don't fuck with crazy" I replied annoyed that she would even ask. I get that curiosity gets the best of people but you still don't go around people who ask how to sell their souls.

"She can't be that crazy Y/N" Ziggy claimed as we approach the cabin once again.

"That lady asked me about making a deal with the devil, she really believes Sarah Fier made her daughter murder those people. It's one thing to yell Hail Satan it's another when you try to summon him. Not to mention asking for your dead daughter to come back from the dead." I snapped Ziggy's eyes going wide her face turning pale finally realizing good old Nurse Lane has completely lost it. 

I creep back into the cabin leaving Ziggy outside taking off my shoes then trying to go back to bed fiddling with the quartz under my pillow. Sarah Fier probably did curse Shadyside the same way Giles Corey cursed Salem. Even then there was a simple way to break his curse so maybe there's a way to end Sarah's too. 

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