Chapter 3

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By the time art class was over I was sad to see the little white and lilac haired cutie leaving but I was ecstatic with the fact that I could sit next to him but I didn't know why. During class I tried to see what he was working on but he'd jump as if startled then turn the other way to keep whatever he was doing hidden. I frowned at that but went back to my own work since Mrs. Stahl was walking around and observing what the students were up to. I continued working on my drawing of dragons and they were looking pretty good in my opinion.

Whenever I breathed in I would mainly smell vanilla and honey, sighing in content though I was confused as to why I felt that way. As I left the art class an head for my next class which was Japanese. While walking through the hallways there were girls trying to get my attention but they were failing at it and quite frankly I was starting to find them irritating and very desperate. A short, curvy, brunette with green eyes walked up to me and fluttered her eyelashes at me. "Hi I'm Nicole," she said in an annoying voice that hurt my ears. "U-h hi I'm Xavier," I said shrugging as I started walking again.

I could hear her heels clicking against the floor. "So... Xavier I was wondering if you wanted to go to my party this weekend?" She asked with a flirtatious smile. I cringed at her voice but nodded my head at the idea of going to a party this weekend. I turned away from her and went into the classroom. As I went in I didn't notice the look on her face. While in class my concentration sort of slipped a few times between the boy with white fading hair and the thoughts of the upcoming party but I wound up keeping up with everything in the class.
Why does that boy with white fading lilac hair drive my senses crazy, I don't understand!

(A/N Xavier doesn't know Aaron's name so he will be calling him as the white haired boy. Hopefully you guys don't hate me for keep repeating the same things about Aaron's hair. Well on with the story!)

Once class was over I was ready to have lunch since my stomach growled in hunger. When I walked into the cafeteria I noticed my group of friends as they were waiting at the table with some of them having already gotten their food. As I was heading for the line to get my food I saw the Nicole girl walk up with me and she had this look on her face that caused my skin to crawl. "Hey Xavier~❤️," she spoke in a supposed sexy voice but it just terrified me. I hid my emotions and just starred at her as she stood next to me and decided to cling onto my arm. I grimaced at her touch but I wouldn't let it show though my skin was felt like it was freezing where she clung to me.

"Hi Nicole what is it that you want since I'm trying to get my food right now?" I asked in a calm tone with a hint of irritation. "Well i wanted to ask if I could sit with you and your friends?" she asked with a pout on her way to glossy lips. I felt my eye twitch when she pouted at me because it didn't look like it did her face any justice. "Yes you may sit with us, now release me." I gruffly said as I had the urge to yank my arm away. She looked down then finally let my arm go as I grabbed my lunch which was pizza with some sides to go with it.

I had just turned around and caught the cent of vanilla and honey causing me to look around the room till I spotted a head of white hair. I starred at him for a few minutes and I guess he felt me staring cause he looked up and I finally saw his turquoise eyes and they sparkled a bit till he looked down. I was a bit saddened but shook it off till I heard a huff and looked down to see that Nicole had just seen me looking at the boy and she glared at him which irked me but I pushed it aside. As I made my way to the table I spotted my sister Andria sitting with the cutie along with another boy that had dark gray hair that was laughing as he put the cutie in a headlock and the little cutie was fussing. Watching that was making me angry yet there was no reason for me to be upset but I was.

I sat down at the table as my friends looked up at me then they spotted Nicole. "What is that skank doing at our table Xavier!?!" hissed Tiffani as she glared at Nicole. "She is going to be joining us because she asked," I spoke back with slight confusion to her being so peeved. I made a mental note to ask her what was up with her not wanting Nicole there. I started eating my food while I was trying to keep up with the talk at our table but my mind was focused on other things like what is to be done with the pack, my own mate, gaining my wolf in a month, and having to deal with rouges trying to trespass onto our lands.

I grunted in frustration but as I breathed in an got the smell of vanilla and honey. I snapped my head up to see the boy with white hair walking past our table. I was surprised to see him but that quickly turned to concern when he fell causing the whole cafeteria to erupt in laughter but I saw that someone's foot that had caused him to trip. I got up quickly ready to beat the crap out of the kid till an arm pulled me back. I looked to see what it was and saw Nicole's hand that grabbed onto my arm, stopping me from going to help him but when I went to pull my arm away but she didn't let go. I was quickly getting annoyed of her touch but I didn't let it show in my face as I saw my sister helping the boy get up and speak to him as she turned around and chewed the kid out who I believe was named Jacob Tulson. As my sister and the other boy left with the little cutie but I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek as they were leaving.

The entire lunch room had fallen quiet when Andria shouted at Jacob for tripping her friend as they were leaving. I quickly drank my soda and moved onto leaving in search of my sister but as soon as I left the bell for everyone to go to class rung. I sighed and headed onto History class hoping that things went right throughout the rest of the day.

Well here it is chapter 3 I hope you all are happy to read this. I'd like to hear feedback and comments on what you like and don't like about my book. Votes and comments are happily accepted!! =^w^=


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