Chapter 7

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While I was assisting with aiding, my thoughts kept wandering to Xavier though I was certain that he wasn't gay so I couldn't get my hopes up for anything to happen but that never stopped me from fantasizing.

I was making my way to another teacher's classroom till I was suddenly grabbed and pushed against a locker. I looked up shaken into stormy gray eyes that stared back into my own. "W-what do you w-want Xavier?" I stuttered out as a blush made its way across my face.

"Hmm not sure but I think you can help me out." He whispered in my ear causing a shiver to take down my spine. "U-uh.. h-how can I help?" I whispered between shallow breathes. He chuckled and leaned in licking my earlobe till he reached my jaw. I whimpered a bit as the feeling of his tongue started to turn me on. I tried to move closer but he pulled away to look at me before he smashed his lips against my own.

He stuck his tongue in my mouth and explored every surface before breaking the kiss to get some much needed air. He buried his face in my neck nipping and licking at the skin making jolts of pleasure shoot to my groin. I whined at the tightness of my front pants wanting release.

I felt his hands run along my sides till he started to palm me through my pants causing more whines and whimpers to leave my mouth. I could feel myself getting closer till...

I was startled as the bell for the class to end range. I looked around and quickly made my way to gym as I tried to clear out the explicit fantasy I had had. I just made it into the gym when I spotted both Nicole and John with their groupies. I turned around and started to heading for the bleachers but I heard my name.

"Hey f*g, where's your friends that are suppose to protect you?!" seethed Luis Jacob's friend. I looked up then back at the ground not wanting to get beaten up. "I asked you a question damn it!" Luis yelled out grabbing my hair as he yanked my head back so I was looking at him.

"T-they're in their o-own classes." I murmured out since he had a tight grip on my hair. "So your saying they're not here, hear that Jacob!?" he shouted out towards John who nodded his head then started walking towards us. I could feel the trembling running through my body.

"Well let's see what we can do to this scrawny mutt." he said as a smirk crossed his face. I really hoped they wouldn't beat me up because Andria does stay true to what she said and though they are my bullies I didn't want them to be badly injured. Sighing internally I could only hope for the best.

I looked up and saw Jacob getting ready to sock me in the face but Coach Rick shouted out for everybody to line up so he could get attendance then he let us all go and do whatever we wanted. I choose to stay with Coach Rick, besides he's a very nice guy when you get to know him.

When the class had ended everyone ran out of the school eager to do whatever they wanted to do after school. I turned out of school parking lot and started walking home. It was a 15 minute walk but it allowed me to clear my mind. I was excited for my birthday which was coming in five days.

I sighed as I walked into the house. I could hear my mom and brother in the kitchen as well as a new female voice. I made the choice to go and see who it was. I headed towards the kitchen, when I reached the door and pushed it open then slowly walked in.

"Oh Tiffani you are the perfect match for my big boy Trent," mom gushed. "Thanks Tasha and I'm glad to have him as a mate," my brother's mate Tiffani said with a smile as she looked at him. I looked at her and she was pretty with her wavy chestnut hair and light green eyes with her curvy figure and sun kissed skin.

I guess I was staring cause I heard Trent grumble out "Aaron keep your eyes to yourself." I smiled impishly "Don't worry Trent I was only admiring your mate's beauty because I'm happy that you guys both have each other." he smiled at me then kissed Tiffani's head.

I smiled at them when the front door slammed closed. I heard footsteps and the hairs on my neck stood up as I felt the presence of my dad walk into the kitchen. I whimpered as quietly as I could and make a quick exit but it didn't work the only way in and out was the one he was blocking. "What is all the commotion about?" he asked as he scanned the kitchen.

"I found my mate today and I brought her over to meet you guys, Dad." Trent said with this goofy grin on his face. "Way to go my boy!" dad said as he walked over to him and slapped his back with a huge smile.

I took this as my chance to depart but I wound up bumping into the table and fell to the ground in my haste to leave. "Hey Aaron, what are you doing here?" he asked out in his guttural tone. "I-I was just leaving the kitchen now Dad to get a head start on my homework," I whispered out.

"Ok then go on ahead and get to it, wait did you congratulate your brother?!" he asked raising his tone. "Y-yes I did." "Alright you may leave." He turned back around as if not even waiting for my answer. I glanced at my mom and she smiled sadly at me then tossed me an apple and a granola bar to snack on.

I caught them and went off to my bedroom. I got into my room and threw my messenger bag on my bed before walking to my closet to put on a gray tank top and some shorts then sat on my bed and got started on my homework. is finished my homework within 25 minutes.

I lied on my bed thinking about the rest of the week leading to my 16th birthday. I decided to skip dinner and just rest till nightfall. I woke up around 2 in the morning and trudged to the kitchen where I made myself a sandwich. After I finished my very late dinner I went back to bed. I woke up the sound of my alarm then quickly went about my morning routine.

I noticed that the rest of the week was mostly the same. Xavier was trying to get to know me through art class and I would talk to him as much as possible without fainting. Whenever lunch came around I feel eyes on me and it freaked me out.

When it came to either gym or my aiding time I would be bullied or picked on by Nicole, Jacob or even both with their groupies. Andria and Jason always kept an eye on me but it never went well when the last class came along.

As the week drew near to Friday it felt like my skin was crawling and itched a lot. I didn't know what was going on so I just shrugged it off as nothing important. I had also noticed near the end of the week that my dad was actually paying more attention to me but I was uncertain as to why he'd been paying more attention to me now because he never paid much attention to me before so I was getting both confused but a bit happy to see him more often and even talking to me more, he was even listening and hearing me out.

~Here's the newest update! I hope you guys enjoyed it and if so please let me know. if be very happy to receive comments, votes, and even follows if you want to keep up with this book. I'd be happy to hear what ideas you lovely readers have in mind.


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