Chapter 431

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Gabby's POV: As I made my way up to the penthouse where Matt was, I came in to see what he was dealing with. "Oh my." Turning to look at me, he nodded. "Promise me you'll breathe?" I nodded and looked at him. "Relax, I got this." I then went to look at the woman. "Hi, can I get your name?" She then nodded. "Angela." I then smiled. "Hi, I'm Gabby. This is my husband Matt. Now, how long have you been like this?" She then looked at the clock. "I would say 45 minutes." I then looked at Matt and bit my lip. "Listen, I will be right back. We need to talk about this."

She nodded and agreed. "Don't move." I then got up and went to walk away with Matt. Matt looked at me and got nervous. "This too overwhelming for you?" I shook my head. "I just want to let you know. That...we have little time for error here. I am shocked she has survived this long. If we make that snake mad, it could squeeze harder and you know." Matt then bit his lip. "Do we have time to get animal control?" I shook my head. "Let me try something first." I then went to grab my paramedic kit. Getting the pain meds out, I looked at Matt. "I am going to need a lot."

He agreed and went to grab it. "You remember how I taught yout his when you were a paramedic?" He nodded. "Keep it out and coming." He agreed and then followed me back to the snake. Angela then looked at me. "What are you doing?" I then looked at her. "This is for the snake. Just don't move." She agreed and nodded. Going to give the first shot to the snake, I went to try and sedate the snake when it turned to look at me and hissed. I then backed up into Matt. "Okay, your turn." He then nodded. Going from the back this time, he got the snake. 

I then looked at him and nodded. "That was probably the better idea." He nodded and agreed. "Hey, you are the one that came up with the idea to sedate the snake. Give me one more just to make sure." I nodded and agreed, giving him the sedation before watching as he went to give it to the snake. I then watched as the snake started to relax and Angela took a breath. "Just stay still until we get it off you." I then looked at Matt. "What are we going to put it in?" Matt then stared at me. "Oh, that thing isn't coming down with us. For all I care, it can die in the fire."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Sorry Angela...we have kids to get back to. We are already risking our lives being in this fire. I am not willing to risk it with a poisonous snake." She nodded and agreed with me. I then went to help her get up and kicked the snake away. "Matt, you are coming down right now. I am going to check you for bite marks just in case." Matt nodded and agreed as we went to leave Angela's room and head downstairs. "Chief, we are on our way down with the victim. Matt has to come out to be checked for snake bites."

Hermann then agreed. "Of course, you okay Matt?" Matt then replied to him. "We will speak downstairs. I need to keep my air in the tank. I will check floors on our way down. Well, ends of halls." He agreed with him. "Good idea. Just get down here safe." We both agreed when he said that. Making our way down together, we both just stared at each other. "Looks like we have a new fire story to tell the kids." Angela then looked at us. "You guys married?" We both laughed and nodded. "Yeah, with 3 kids." She was shocked when I said that.

"Girl, you look amazing for 3 kids." I laughed and smiled. "Watch it, my husband is jealous sometimes." We all laughed when I said that, making our way downstairs so that we could Angela on her way to the hospital while I checked Matt out.

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