Fatherly Figure

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A/N I low-key forgot. Y'all probably did too. But I don't upload on Saturday or Sunday :)

Haechan POV

Haechan walked away from the older boy, slipping his hand into his pocket, pulling out the piece of picture that he had gotten from Renjun

He stared at the picture for a second, it was just Renjun. It now looked a lot better without that other guy in the picture

He rolled his eyes at the face in the picture and shoved it back in his pocket, walking into his classroom

Renjun POV

Renjun had been sulking for the whole day. Yes he and Felix had broken up, but it's not like those years of feelings could just go away

Life sucked

As he walked into his second favorite class. Art. He walked up to the front desk where his teacher was writing something on the white board

Renjun sat down on the stool that was seated beside the teacher's desk and cleared his throat to get the male's attention

The older man turned around and saw Renjun, a smile coming up on his face

"Ah! Huang! You're early."
The teacher pointed out. Not like Renjun was ever late to this class. He always loved being early to art so he could talk to his favorite teacher

"Yeah. How are you today Mr Quian?"

The man teacher smiled
"I'm doing great. My boyfriend and I are going to go to lunch after I'm done teaching this period."

Renjun smiled, he always enjoyed hearing about the man's relationship with his boyfriend

"Mr Quian. When am I ever gonna meet Taeil?"

Kun smiled. As he thought about his boyfriend
"Oh I don't know Renjun. Soon I hope."

Renjun smiled, but his smile slowly dropped as his teacher asked:
"How has your day been?"

Renjun looked down at his shoes, before painting on a smile and looking up at his teacher again

"Oh it's been good"

Kun shook his head with a light smile on his face
"That's good. Now try again. And this time tell me the truth. How was your day Renjun."

Renjun shouldn't have even lied in the first place. Kun was the only person other than Jun that could tell when Renjun was faking a smile

"It hasn't been great."
Renjun looked down at his shoes again as the older Chinese spoke

"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to just not."

Renjun always felt comfortable with Kun, he had always been able to tell him anything. Kun was practically a father to him

"Uh... Well. You know. Me and Felix broke up. And I've been having a hard time with that. And well. Some kid here keeps bringing it up and not in a very nice way... And I'm trying to get over Felix because I can't just linger on something that'll never happen and I need to accept that. But Hae-... This kid keeps bringing it up and he keeps picking at the wound to the point where I won't heal."

Kun exhaled and looked at Renjun with a small smile on his face


Renjun nodded

"Again? You can't keep letting that boy get to you. Sometimes you need to fight back. And I don't mean physically because.... I'm technically a teacher so I can't tell you to harm someone. But sometimes snapping back with a sassy comeback wouldn't hurt. Ya know?"

Renjun scoffed jokingly at the teacher.

"You're so immature Mr Quian."

"Yep. That's what I get paid the big bucks for."

Renjun smiled. Kun always had a way of helping.

Renjun and Kun glanced over at the door as a student entered. Lee Jeno. One of Renjun's best friends at the school

Renjun bowed and said goodbye to Kun and walked over to Jeno

"Hey JenJen!"

"Oh hey Junnie!"

Jeno said looking up from the books he was setting on his desk, giving Renjun his adorable eyesmile

Jeno was always one of Renjun's most trusted and loyal companions. If it weren't for Jun. Then Jeno might be his best friend. But no one could replace Jun. No one

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