chapter five

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both of the boys had looked at each other, smiling and giving each other 'that look'. they knew what george wanted, and they were going to give it to him for at least trying.

"i'd say we're pretty close." alex shruged while leaning on a pillar, pulling out a small piece of cardboard from out of his pocket to write on.

"me and clay met a while ago, so yeah. same here." bad also stated. "awesom-"

"here, this is his home address." alex blurted out, shoving the piece of cardboard with messy writing on it into george's hands.

"what? why would i need this." he chuckled nervously. "anyways, me and bad here have to leave now. see you later gogs!"

"wait!" george called out to them, trying to gather an explanation for this strange event. it was too late though, they had both went running another direction, far from the place george was standing at.

shaking his head in awkwardness, leaving the place and walking away, still looking back at the piece of cardboard. "why would they give me this? it's a little creepy to just give some stranger you barely met your friend's address, eh?" he mumbled to himself.

taking his attention away from the cardboard, looking around his surroundings to see if he could spot the strange people again, just wanting to return it as there was no use in this piece of messy writing.

although, there was a little spark in his gut, just trying to tell him not to just throw it out.

he tried thinking of when this could come to use, since he couldn't just walk right up to his front porch, knock on the door and try to be invited inside, that would be quite rude. "when is this gonna be useful?" he practically screamed inside his head.

finally minutes of arguing with himself, he decided to just keep the cardboard, trying to trust that his new friends and gut was right, not wanting to even throw it away, but not wanting to be creepy or make the blonde uncomfortable in any way whatsoever.

george wanted clay to feel safe, whether it was with him or not, he knew that clay deserved the world. george barely knew the man, yet he cared so deeply about him. he even smiled just thinking about the blonde, thinking about all the little small moments they shared together made his heart warm up.

although he was happy right now, he had kind of zoned out at this rate. large groups of people were giving him weird looks, starring blankly at him or gossiping about him.

feeling a little bit embarrassed of his little day dream moment, quickly walking away, starting to jog to get away from the place faster, face all red from embarrassment.

shaking his head as he tries to get away, laughing as a way of coping. george finally made his way into a small brick alley way, panting and trying to catch his breathe as he let himself slump down the wall. "oh gosh." he breathed out.

"that was so fucking embarrassing for you." a voice laughed, making the brunette turn his head.

"who are you?"

"uh, just some guy in an alley way taking a blunt? it's really none of your business to whom i am, is it?" the man sneered, throwing george an annoyed look.

"i was just asking, theres really no reason to be so rude, is it?" he snapped back. "feisty."

both were already annoyed at each other's presence, not wanting to say a word or even breathe to loudly.

george hesitantly got up, looking back at the man before turning his head and walking out of there, wondering why on earth he was so rude and what his intentions were.

"maybe he just really wanted to take a blunt, and was annoyed by me." he thought to himself, walking by the sidewalk of the road.

although, that incident did strike something in his head. george decided he was going to see the address, if it really was clay's, or just some prank some duche bags made to grab george's hopes up, or to just mess with him, or to maybe give him the right address.

'clay's address', was written at the very top in large writing, stating it was or, could be his. trusting his gut, keeping his head up and walking down the right way, he was going to approach clay's home.

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