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Han and Sean walked into Juliana's apartment. "Huh, she's usually awake by now." Sean says as he opens her door, a chuckle coming from him. "Look at this." Sean says causing Han to walk over and notice Juliana asleep on her bed, her sweater scrunched up as the covers were under her arm. "She's kind of cute when she's not yelling at me." Han says. "Why can't you go find a nice Japanese girl like the rest of the guys around here?" Sean questions causing Han to chuckle. 

"Come on, you gotta help me make her breakfast." Sean says causing Han to raise a brow. "Why?" Han questions. "It's her 19th birthday." Sean says causing Han's eyes to widen. "Really?" Han questions causing Sean to nod. "Come on now." Sean says as they start rummaging through her fridge.

Juliana wakes up and walks out of her room rubbing her eyes. She started humming along to a song in her head. "Morning Jules." Sean says causing her to grumble and sit at the table. "Wait a minute." She says as she turns and sees Sean and Han cooking. "What are you two doing here?" She questions, her eyes wide. "We're cooking." Han says with a shrug. "Why, it's...8:30 in the morning." She says causing Sean to chuckle. "It's your birthday Jules." He says causing her to scoff. "Yeah right, I'd think I'd know when my birthday was-" She stops as she realizes. "Oh." She says causing Han to chuckle.

"Yeah, we're actually done." Sean says as he brings her plate over. "Sean." Juliana says as she hugs Sean, then turning to Han. "Come here, it's the only chance you're gonna get." She says causing Han to chuckle as he walked over and hugged the girl. She laughed as she patted his back, but squealed as he lifted her up. "Okay, okay." She says as he puts her down. "If you guys want you can stay." She says causing Han to look at Sean. "Well thank god we made extra." Sean says causing Juliana to smile. 

Han and Sean sat at the table, eating with smiles on their faces. "Oh, I got this for you." Sean says handing Juliana a small box. She opened the box revealing a bracelet. It was a simple silver chain but she still grinned. "Thanks Sean." She says hugging her cousin. Juliana smiled as she turned back to her food. "I'll-I'll be right back." Han says as he leaves the apartment building, driving off.

"Where's he going?" Juliana questions causing Sean to shrug. "I don't know." Sean says as they sit back. After a few moments, Han comes back. "He's back." Sean says as he opens the door, allowing Han inside. Han walks over to the girl who was drinking coffee on the couch. "I got you this." Han says causing Juliana to smile. "You didn't need to get me anything." She says as she opens the box, a black ring in there. "Wow." She says as she puts it on her right middle finger. "Thank you." She says as she puts her mug down, getting up, and hugging him. Han smiles and hugs the girl back.

"I'm gonna get dressed, and then we'll head out to the garage." She says as she smiles. She heads to her room and shuts her door. "Seriously man." Sean says causing Han to chuckle. "Yeah, I'm totally serious." Han says looking back at her closed door. After a few minutes, she walks out of her room, a tank top and shorts on. "Come on." She says as she pulls her shoes on, grabbing her keys. Han smirks as he follows behind her.

Now they  were back at the garage. Juliana was grinning as sweat fell down her forehead. But it all stopped as D.K came into the garage. "Oh shit." She says as she walks back to where her car. She ignores the conversation, but when she sees Han rushing over she turns. "Han, what's going on-" She stops as Han pressed his lips against hers. Han broke apart and put his hand on her cheek. "Don't worry about me." Han says causing Juliana's eyes to widen. "Han?" She questions as Han climbs into his car and peels out.

Juliana's eyes widen as D.K's car follows him. "Shit." She says as she hops into her car. She peels out of the garage, but she noticed they weren't there. She saw Sean's car peel out with her causing her to nod and follow him. They break apart and she heads to her apartment. She sits in front of her house and rubbed her forehead. She sat like that for a few minutes until her phone rang. "Neela?" She questions. "Come on!" She says before she hangs up. Juliana rushes out and into her car. She drives down the street, avoiding cars on the street. 

She noticed many people stopped causing her to stop and get out of her car, noticing a crashed car...Han's car. "Han!" She shouts just as the car blew up. She covered her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks. Sean looked at his cousin who was crying. She walked towards the fiery wreckage, but there was no Han. "Wait..." She says as she looks around, a soft smile on her face. "Jules! Let's go!" Sean exclaims causing Juliana to get to her car and drive off.

Juliana sat in her living room and rubbed her forehead, a smile on her face. Han was alive, she just knew it. Her phone started vibrating causing her eyes to turn to her phone. "Keiko?" She questions. "Jules! Sean is racing D.K, the mountains!" Keiko says. Juliana knew which mountains, she used to race there all the time. "Alright, I'm coming." She says as she hangs up, grabbing her keys. 

She got out of the apartment, racing to her car. She hopped in and drove off towards the mountains. Once she pulled up, she saw everyone crowding around. Juliana parked her car and hopped out, standing next to Keiko. Everyone was shouting, either in protest or happiness. "Come on Sean." She says as she watches her cousin's car drift along with D.K's. "Holy shit." She says with a grin. This drift caused Sean to get ahead, but not for long. "Come om, come on." She says as she looks out into the night. 

She then hears Keiko cheer and hug Juliana. "He did it?" She questions causing Keiko to nod and for Juliana to grin. "Yes!" Juliana cheers as she hugs Keiko, watching as Sean drove back. She waited a bit as D.K's uncle approached him and Neela. Once D.K's uncle left she ran up to Sean, hugging him. "God I'm so proud of you." She says with a grin. "Thanks Jules." He says hugging his cousin. 

Now they were back at the races. Juliana wore loose jeans and a cropped t-shirt. She heard familiar music causing her to turn. "No fucking way." She says walking over to the muscle car. "Dominic Toretto, what a nice surprise." She says with a grin. "Juliana Myers." Dom says as he opens his door, hugging the girl. "Holy shit, it's been what, four years?" She questions causing Dom to nod. "I'm here for a friend of mine." He says causing her to smile. "What's their name? I might know them." She says. "Han Lue." Dom says, not missing the flicker of recognition in the girl's eyes.

"Yeah, I know him." She says with a smile. "We were...close." She says as she looks off, noticing Twinkie coming over. "Hey, I'll see you later right?" She questions causing Dom to laugh. "Anything for a sister." He says causing her to chuckle. "See ya Dom." She says as she walks back over to her car.

That was the beginning of her story, she started new. She moved from Tokyo back to LA, just when Han was getting ready to come back. It was time for her to stop looking back on her past and start new, but what she didn't know was that being friends with Dom and the others would get her on America's Most Wanted List.

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