Chapter 37: The reality of Ryan

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Hearing this sound was the most beautiful song to my ear... It revived me after I felt dead... The love of my life is so strong!
I can never compete with her, I can never stop learning from her... I know now I can't get enough of her... I can't ever get bored looking into these eyes, this face, this pureness... just... everything about her is special!

The moment she opened her eyes, I realized I was so stupid...
Nothing was the same...
She wasn't the carefree girl I knew... Instead she looked around to search for safety...
She was frightened, embarrassed, more specifically... broken, and her eyes were lifeless as if she wished that huge waves would swallow her so that she doesn't live in this life...

Was she worried something happened after she was unconscious?
The doctor said that her fear caused her alertness and consciousness for that long during that hateful day which saved her as she was able to fight these men... I had to let her know she had been saved as soon as she lost consciousness!

The sight of her covered in blood was scary... I thought she wasn't going to make it! Her head was bleeding, she had cuts of these broken pieces of mirror all over her body as she fell on it when the man beat her repeatedly. The bruises she had were terrifying as he broke her bones, and her face all reddened of their slaps!
I wanted to kill them or see them being tortured each day of their lives but mostly I wanted to kill her and to make her suffer each day for ever causing this pain to my lady...

Yeah her, this hateful woman! It's a long story...

" Hey!
How are doing now? Are you better?"
She looked at me and I saw her attempt to talk but, her voice didn't seem to agree with her to come out... so, she just signaled a yes and she began to tear up...

"Hey? Hey?" I began searching her eyes

" Nothing happened when you passed out!
Don't worry!
You're alright now and nothing happened!
Trust me, everything is going be okay..."

I was going to hug her but as soon as I got closer to her, he cried even more, screamed and tried to move away a little bit...
It surely reminded her of what she had lived that night and of course, as a guy I made her scared...

"I am sorry
I'll keep my distance, I assure you! I won't ever hurt you..."

Between sobs, she seemed to try to say something
" Wa ... as"..." It"... ""

"Everything is kind of complicated... I don't know from where should I start..." I said but was cut by the one I never imagined would have the audacity to come...

"I better explain it to her... as... all you know is nothing compared to the whole reality...." Ryan blurted out

"Well, first of all, I need to sum it up... I'm your brother!
When I came to Egypt and asked for your hand in marriage, all I did and wanted was for revenge...
You seemed to be his favourite more like: daddy's little princess and I thought the best way to break him was by breaking you...
Yeah! That was my intention all along...

I wanted to kill him for making us live like that... why did he treat you better? What were you as -a kid- special at to deserve... his love and us... his abandon?
Since I came to this life... all I saw was hate, wickedness, pain and death...
Your beloved dad chose to flee from my pregnant mom leaving her with twins to take care of on her own... It started out hard but, she managed; she worked in a cafeteria for a kind man whose wife took care of us as babies while our mom worked. We grew up and about the age of five years old had to go to school but of course, the money we had wasn't enough...

Mom began to work in a night club...
As a child, I didn't know what that was and she payed for school...
two years after, the rumors got all over the neighborhood, the school, the supermarket and soon everybody started bullying us due to our mom's reputation and us being without a father... they said a lot of bad things I don't want to remember...

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