(A loud click is followed by a six second melodic chiming.)Cue presenter: Hello again, listeners. This is your host, Harry Carlson. It's nine o'clock.
You loyal listeners may have noticed the new jingle, curtesy of an old pal of mine Sgt.--undetermined--Mr. Luke Barnes. Small step up from that monotonous bastard of an introduction, right lads? Ol' Barnsy used to keep us busy on the long days, God bless him, and now the nights.End segment.
Cue presenter: Some good news for us today, men--Friends: We've received our first letter. This station's been up and running just shy of a month and already I've been granted funds for months more. I'm just glad I get the chance to keep you company through the long nights. It means a lot to me that this station is kept running, so thank you all for the support when the time came.
Oh, the letter. I won't have time to read it all, but thanks a lot to Edward N., 23, from San Ramon for taking the time to send this in. This really is a milestone.
Here's an excerpt I found particularly touching:--Harry reads the letter--
Well, Ed, you're not the only one in studio today who's requested that song in particular. My own daughter, Jen, is here with me too, and she happens to just love it. Don't worry, she'll be asleep before ten. She's an alright kid.
Anyway, for Edward and for Jen, here's "Give Me Love".Song plays.
Cue presenter: And we're back. I'm almost out of time already, but before I leave you for another fifty minutes I'd like ol' Eddie to know that his letter's already up on the wall.
Next hour I've splurged on an expert, Nicholas Cardé. So stick around if you need to.
..And that's ten.(A loud click.)
Give Me Love
Short Story"Safe Place" - hosted by Harry Carlson, produced by Ranger&Co. Records