Chapter 1: Anger

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Ideas from: Milktea_Kitten_XD

Edited by: faeriuv (Main)Milktea_Kitten_XD


Everyone in the Great Hall was stunned and in utter shock, with their mouths gaping and eyes gawking Harry Potter's name flew out of the Goblet of Fire. They all thought that Harry put his name on it whole he didn't actually.

All the participants were thinking the same, Harry must have put his name, and overcame that age barrier, but how?

The actual answer was, of course, Harry did NOT do that. Someone else did that. However, no one believed him...(How sad ;-;)

Harry's best friends, Hermione and Ron, grew jealous. They left and isolated him in the resort. Draco Malfoy, who was Harry's bully, snorted in disgust at Harry and even made badges with "POTTER STINKS!" and "CEDRIC DIGGORY IS THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION!" on it. The headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, ignored Harry's multiple requests to tell the actual truth.

Now, Harry was alone, all by himself in the dims and darkness of his only home, Hogwarts.

Harry dwelled, sitting near the lake as his back merely touched upon the tree. The leaves fell down next to him as water rippled on the veneer.

Harry's POV

"Why don't they believe me??? I was telling the truth all along!!!" I grumbled and threw a few stones to the water,fumes came out of my ears as my eyelashes fluttered in angst. "Ugh! I am going to find a way to prove that I am right." I thought and threw another rock into the lake.

Later, I went back to the hall and discovered that the dinner was already over but I didn't care since I was not hungry. I then headed to the dorm.

While I was walking, something or rather someone, pulled me into an unfamiliar room with no light, then I fell over. "Bloody hell-!?" I snapped. I stood up and tried hard to open the door but all I did was pulling at the steady lock, not budging to my actions at all. Then, I took out my wand and used the unlocking charm but that didn't work. "Ugh! Crap! Is anyone outside? I got stuck in here!!! Please help me out!!!" I yelled but no one answered. There were only cold and silence, such quietness that was unnatural. "Merlin's beard..." I muttered under my breath. "Hello there, Harry Potter." A voice suddenly called out behind me. I turned back but saw nothing. "Who the hell are you and what do you want!?" I asked, slightly trembling as I pulled my wand out. "Awww...don't be so rude." The voice said and someone grabbed my hands and covered my eyes. "Ugh...let me go!" I shouted at the figure, swiftly tensening as I felt the tough aura. "Shh...have a sleep, Potter." The voice said and knocked me out. I then became unconscious.

Meanwhile, in the common room of Gryffindor, both Hermione and Ron came out.

No one's POV

"Ron, have you seen Harry?" Hermione asked. "No, he is not in the room..." Ron answered. "We haven't seen him since dinner. Where is he?" Hermione said. "How am I supposed to know!?" Ron said loudly. "Shh...keep quiet!" Hermione ordered. "Yes yes." Ron said. "Shall we go out to find him?" "But, it is 10pm already. We will be caught by Filch!" Hermione said. "Don't worry. I saw Harry's invisible cloak. We can wear that to find him." Ron said. "Alright..." Hermione replied and Ron went upstairs to find that cloak. Later, they set off to find their best friend.

They searched every room near the Gryffindor tower and found a room was locked.

No one's POV

"This room is locked." Hermione said quietly. "Yes. Maybe Harry is in there?" Ron voiced his thoughts. "Hmm, Harry! Harry? Are you in there?" Hermione shouted but nothing answered her. "Erm...let's just unlock the door." Ron said. They used the unlocking charm but it didn't work like Harry. "Why didn't it work!? I believe that I did it correctly." Hermione said and Ron answered, "This is strange."

At this moment, Filch came and shouted, "Who's there!?" "Oh my god! It is Filch! Let's go!" Hermione whispered and they ran off.

Later, they decided that if they couldn't see Harry the next day, they would tell the headmaster about this.

The next day, Hermione and Ron still couldn't see Harry. They went to the hall when breakfast started and told the headmaster what happened.

Dumbledore's POV

"Harry disappeared!?" I said in shock. "Yes, we couldn't see him since dinner yesterday." Hermione explained. "Hmm...I will check on that now." I answered and then I turned to all the students and said loudly, "Everyone, please enjoy your breakfast. I will leave for a while." I turned to Hermione and Ron. "Let's go." I said and they nodded.

Hermione and Ron brought Dumbledore to the locked room.

No one's POV

"Headmaster, this room is suspicious." Hermione said. "May I ask why that is?" Dumbledore asked. "This room cannot be opened even when we use the unlocking charm." Ron answered. "Hmm...let me see." Dumbledore said and looked at the door lock carefully. "I am afraid that this door is locked by a dark spell." Dumbledore said calmly. "What!?" Both Hermione and Ron shouted. "B-but Harry didn't k-know how to use the d-dark art???" Hermione muttered. "Yes, he doesn't. This door is locked by other people who know how to use dark art." Dumbledore said. "Now," Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed at the lock. "(A charm)!" And the door opened.

In the room, they found Harry's wand being left on the ground.

No one's POV

"T-this is Harry's wand!" Hermione exclaimed. "Harry was in this room, but where did he go then? He wouldn't leave his wand and ran off!!!" "Hermione, please calm down. We will find him as soon as possible." Dumbledore said. "S-sorry." Hermione said quietly.


To be continued...

Word count: 1015

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