you are under my protection

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Time passed, Konan and Pain's little one had already reached 3 months in terms of age. They had named the baby Aiko, it was a girl. As for Hidan, he was in his 5th month of pregnancy, things were starting to become important in every sense of the word. The belly was showing, the missions were
becoming complicated and trying for Hidan who, being immortal, was feeling less and less immortal because with each month passed, it was as if the baby was taking a life that Hidan had obtained during his rituals. He looked more tired and scarred than before, although he was still young. During the day they were told the sex of the baby, it was a boy, everyone was delighted.
Kakuzu remained quite distant, he was satisfied with a "well, everything is perfect" and remained marble because he did not know how to react to this news which for him, did not change much.
Hidan was quite disappointed. He thought that at least this news would flatter a little the ego of his partner who had already confided to him very quickly that it would please him that it was a boy.
During the day it was already necessary to leave in mission.

Kakuzu: let's not waste time and money this time hm? we'll need more now that we're going to be two more...not to mention that the little one is treated like a real princess at the den...

- Hidan paused angrily

Hidan: hey...I can't do much about it!...and she's a baby it's normal...she deserves everything she needs...already she sees her parents alternately because one of them is often on missions...fortunately I'm there to look after her when both of them have to leave...and because the missions become risky for me...

Kakuzu: risked what Hidan you are immortal stop it.

Hidan: yes, but I've already lost 5 lives taken during rituals for Jashin...and I'm going to lose more...and I don't even dare to imagine giving birth...too bad I'll be even more devastating after I need to get immortality back.

Kakuzu: and money hm..

Hidan: oh you're pissing me off with your shitty money!

-with all these missions and lost lives Hidan was getting tired very fast. Hidan suddenly stopped talking because he was taken by big contractions, more violent than usual.

Kakuzu: What's wrong with you?

- Voices were heard soon after and people had arrived from nowhere above and in front of the duo, ready to attack them, especially Hidan who was kneeling, Kakuzu propelled his spun arm forward to catch the one who was throwing himself on Hidan and, on the other, the one who was coming from above on him and sent them violently farther away, having taken care to protect Hidan completely by kneeling in front of him, sticking him almost at the level of the belly.

Kakuzu: now you will introduce yourself and we will do the same, oh I'm stupid, you already know who we are. Stay there Hidan, obviously they are not very brave..look how they are shaking...

-Kakuzu had taken care to embrace them with his multiple lines and shut them up in the same way once these people had introduced themselves, simple ninja of average values.

Kakuzu: hm...I'm not going to get much out of you when I look at your information in this'd say 25 thousand ryo...that should do it...we'll get more next time...fine.

-he executed them without further words before moving closer to Hidan and carrying him away.

Hidan: that was quick.

Kakuzu: it was logical. They had some strength and experience but not enough obviously...

Hidan:...did you protect me from the baby?

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