Chapter 3: House of Hunters

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(Yume's P.O.V)
    When Sayaka said the young woman's name, I looked from behind Sayaka tilting my head, "Oh, Yume, this is Mina Ashido, she was in the same religious class as me, Mina, this is my librarian, Yume Fukushima." Sayaka explained.
    I hold my hand out to Mina. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mina." As I say that Mina's face lit up with a smile and happily shakes my hand, "Ah! A librarian!" Fun fact, we need one in this house!" She exclaims with a giggle at the end. After hearing the news, I couldn't help but rub the back of my neck and nervously say, "Ah, then hopefully I'll fulfill that spot as well as I can."
    Then I noticed Mina looking at Bakugo, "who's the pomeranian?" After that question, I hear Bakugo growl at Mina and I stepped in quickly to hold him back, "His's name's Katsuki Bakugo, a werewolf. He's been living with me." I explained.

    "We have a werewolf here as well! Come in! Come in!" She says happily as she lets us into the house.
    As we went in, a new voice was heard, we saw someone stood upstairs, "Yep! We have another werewolf for Kirishima and we finally have a librarian! How cool is that?!" Mina explained excitedly then Mr. Sakura spoke up, "Sorry to cut the mood but... Is Aizawa here?" He asks Mina.

    "He should be in his office still, I think, if not then he might still be sleeping," Mina responded. Mr. Sakura then starts walking to where I assume would be where the office would be, "Thanks, don't worry, I've been here before." Once he leaves, I noticed Sayaka silent and so was I, until Mina spoke up.

(Sayaka's P.O.V)

    I couldn't help but sometimes wonder if Dad hides something from me, from everyone. Then my thoughts were interrupted by Mina, "Anyways! Us four can help you unpack and bring the boxes in and show you around and-" then I cut her off by asking, "Four?" With a confused expression on my face.

    "Yep, there's me, Kirishima, Denki, and Mina here." The guy from upstairs says as he comes down to the same floor as us. "Dad didn't tell us about that..." I said quietly to Tokoyami, who was on my shoulder the whole time. Mina seems to have noticed Tokoyami, "Is that a raven on your shoulder?"

    "Oh yeah, his name is Tokoyami... Had him for about... 2 years now." I briefly explained then the same guy comes over to Mina to ask her, "Should I get Denki and Kirishima?" Mina has a thinking expression as she taps her chin then finally responding saying, "Hmm... You sort Denki, I'll get Kiri."

    "Denki and Kiri?" I hear Yume ask, then the guy with medium-length black hair explained again, "Yep, I'm Sero, Denki is another hunter who lives here and Kiri is Mina's nickname for Kirishima, who is the other werewolf who lives here." This sparks Yume's curiosity. Then it was Mina's turn to explain more, "Mhm, now I am a werewolf tamer but I don't have much experience and Kiri likes to spend time with me so I'm more or less in charge of him most of the time." That's when I decided to tease her a little, "Are you sure it's not love?"

    "I don't think so? Anyways I'll be back feel free to look around." She responded as she also goes upstairs.

    "Should I have mentioned I'm a werewolf tamer or...?" Yume asks as I shake my head, "Not yet..." I responded turning my attention back to upstairs, thinking about what Dad is doing up there.
    A few minutes go by and a young guy with mostly yellow hair from what seemed to be the kitchen, "Anyone want din- oh! I didn't expect company." I also see, who I now know is Sero, coming out of the same room. I then see the new stranger approach me, smiling and holding his hand out to me, "Hey there, I'm Denki!" So this is Denki... I look back at his hand and shake it with mina as I introduce myself and everyone else, "I'm Sayaka, the bird on my shoulder in Tokoyami..." I then point to both Yume and Bakugo with my free hand "That's Yume and her pet pomeranian."

    "Hey! Take that back you hunter fuck!" I hear Bakugo yell at me followed by Yume, "Ahhh... Bakugo down!" This makes me smirk slightly with a small laugh. Then I hear Denki say, "Calm down vanilla wolf." This makes me laugh more, "Good one hehe."
    Denki then turns his attention to Tokoyami, "Cute bird you have." This makes Tokoyami speak up, "I'm not cute." This gives Denki a scare, "Gah! He can speak?!"

    "Yes, he can speak... and he can also turn into a person." I explained then continue saying, "We should get started with bringing the boxes in. " I can tell Denki agreed with me before I look at Yume and Bakugo, "Yume, you coming or are you busy with Bakugo?" I asked.

    "I think he's good now, right pup?" Yume responded while petting Bakugo, "Don't call me pup..." He says, growling slightly, "Yeah, he's good now!" Yume says, grinning.
    I laugh slightly as I walk outside to the moving truck, "Hey Tokoyami, you can go into the trees if you want until we're done okay?" I said as he nods at me and flies into the nearest tree. As I start getting my boxes, Denki came over to help and I smiled at him, "Thanks." He smiles back, somehow I feel like his smile is contagious, "No problem!" He replied.

    "I have Kiri with me, Sayaka!" I hear Mina shout as she comes with a spikey red-haired guy, "The werewolf?" I ask, earning a nod from Mina, "Hey!" The guy said both smiling and waving, so I waved back at him, "Sup."

    "So we have your rooms sorted out as well." This makes me sigh of relief, knowing I don't have to go on a hunt for a room. Then Mina continued explaining, "luckily we managed to get a room next to a library for you, Yume!" I can tell this made Yume smile, "That's nice. Thank you." Then I see Bakugo smirking, "She'll end up falling asleep in the library so there's no need to give her a room."

    "Not true! Shut up Bakugo!" Yume's face flushes with embarrassment, "It was one time!"

    "You feel asleep in the library many times," Bakugo confesses.
    Mina laughs, "Oh well she always has you to look after her hehe!" Bakugo turns his attention to Mina, "She would be dead if I wasn't." I then see Yume pout, "Shut up, I can take care if myself!" She shouts at him.

    "I can show you before you start unloading the boxes." As I place one of my boxes on the ground I smiled at Mina, "That would be helpful Mina."

    "Yeah, that would help." Yume agrees while she pulls on one of Bakugo's ears with a calm face on, "Oi oi oi! That hurts you, damn bastard!" I hear Bakugo yell and sigh as I follow Mina.

    "Off we go!" As Mina shows us to our rooms, I somehow got the feeling of being homesick, Yume must've noticed this and asks, "Hm? Sayaka, you good?" I can tell she was worried, "Yeah just... Feeling a little homesick." I wasn't lying but I was also wishing Mom was here. She then lets go of Bakugo's ear and comes over to rub my back which makes me smile, "Thanks."
    I then see Tokoyami land on my shoulder, "So here is your room Sayaka!" Mina says as she unlocks the door to my room and my surprise it was my style, "It's nice..."

    "Aizawa said to set the best room up for you... Must've been your Dad's idea." I hear Mina explain, "Of course he would..." I then hold my finger out to Tokoyami to land on then move him to the bed frame, "You stay here." I told him as I pet him before going back outside for the boxes.


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Word count: 1369 words

Hi guys! I'm back with a new chapter! Sorry for being so inactive, things happened in real life. Also if you like to support this fanfic and future fanfics please join my discord server, here's the link:

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