Chapter 4

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The Untold Life of Hanagaki Takemichi
Tokyo Revengers Fanfic(Manga)

• ⚠Contains Spoilers⚠
• Use of words/curses/Gang
• Yaoi/Bl/Harem
• Grammars/Pronunciation/Spellings
• Everyone is a simp (Takemichi simp)

Chapter 3
Official Brahman Members

“uhm.. Waka-san..?”


“I have an extra futon, so If you want maybe I can set one for you?”

“Nah, I’m fine…”

Unable to reason out - Takemichi grimaced inwardly, emitting a deep audible sigh.
He stared at the lazy teen lying beside him with his head on Takemichi’s lap, snuggling comfortably on those soft and warm pair of thighs.

Several growls were heard within the room startling Takemichi in his place. He quickly glance at his friends across the room and found them all staring intently at him.

He gave them a questioning look and saw their shoulders tensed up. He raise his eyebrow in confusion but immediately shrugged it off and directed his gaze towards his ‘guests’.

“So… May I ask why the ‘living legends’ are here too…?” Takemichi asked. Blue eyes went down to stare briefly at the now sleeping ‘lazy teen’ on his lap before gazing back at the other questioning two.

The older living legend, Akashi smirked knowingly at him. Benkei just gave him a slight smile.

“We’re here to--”

“To retrieve me?... I already said I don’t want…My answer is no. No” He said cutting Benkei’s statement. He folded his arms firmly and sneer at the two.

Akashi look at him amused, lips curving upwards into a smirk.

“No, not that.” Akashi replied. The man averts his gaze towards the other occupants and gave them a mischievous smile.

“Then what?” Takemichi tilted his head in utter confusion.

“Just wanted to have you in our gang!” Akashi replied. Takemichi was taken aback and suddenly remembered something.

“Hanagaki Takemichi! We’re here to scout you!”

Akashi said those words last time but Takemichi disregard it since he thought the Brahman’s real agenda was to retrieve him and bring him back to his real parents.

“No. I am not interested.”

“I told you guys! Takemichi will—wait, what? No? WHY? ”
Chifuyu yelled. Cerulean orbs staring straightly at the ocean blue eyes seeking for answers.
Takemichi was surprised at his partner’s reaction but was genuinely confused when his friends shared the same reactions too.
Do they expected me to accept the invitation?
“….you’re not interested?”
Hakkai dazedly asked. Takemichi slowly nodded - eyes glint impishly focusing to his friends which reactions are priceless.

“Really?... Then how do you intended to save Mikey?”

Takemichi stared at Smiley briefly before shrugging. He turn his head to keeked through the window, a soft smile forming on those soft and pink lips of his, reminiscing the earlier moments with Mikey.

Everyone was taken aback and felt their breath taken away. They are unable to look away, unable to do anything but admire the beautiful scenery in courtesy of Hanagaki Takemichi.
“I have no interest in joining neither the Brahman or the other gangs… I came back for one and only goal and that is to defeat the Kantou Manji Gang’s Leader Sano Manjirou!”
Takemichi looked back. Ocean blue eyes glisten in determination and firm resolve. Everyone find themselves smiling fondly at their crybaby hero.

“I see, so that’s how you felt.. ” Akashi smirked.

All eyes and attention were directed to him instantly. He looks up at the ceiling and began to reminisce his ‘hero’ which he found it ecstatic that he can saw the man again through the blondie teen being. He got a déjà vu.

“Then, ”


Takemichi jerk in surprised when the sleeping teen on his lap suddenly spoke up breaking the silence which is not actually good for Takemichi’s heart!

“Waka-san!” Takemichi whined. Everyone chuckled and he grimaced, glaring at his friends.
“Sorry, didn’t expect you to be a jumpy person..” Waka lazily gave Takemichi a look.

“I am not!” Takemichi frustratingly yelled. Loud laughter fills the living room.

“Stop laughing!” He folded his arms and looked away. Hiding his flushed face from everyone yet failed at Waka’s vision

“…Cute”  The lazy teen whisper under his breath.

“Waka, Hanagaki will melt Y’know!..” Akashi said. Waka groan at the reminder and sat up, rubbing his eyes before giving his vice-president a lazy look.
Takemichi upon hearing his name also gave the man a confuse look. Akashi grinned and shook his head.

“So, Waka…you have something to say right?”

The lazy teen rolled his eyes tiredly then smiled slightly when his gaze went to the blondie teen in front of him.

“Ne, Takemitchy, if you want to defeat Sano… joining Brahman might be a good choice.. we can help each other out!”

“Eh, What do you mean?” Takemichi look puzzled. Waka turn his head in Senju’s direction. Senju quickly comprehend what his subordinate wanted to express and looked at Takemichi.

“Brahman was formulated by only one purpose… and that is to led the Kantou Manji Gang to it’s downfall..”

Senju acutely stated causing the ocean blue eyes to widen in surprise.

“W-what? Why is it only Mikey’s gang, what about… the Rokuhara or the other gangs?” Takemichi gulped, his eyes still focused on his childhood friends lilac ones.

“Kantou Manji is more perilous than what you think, Hanagaki.”

“I know !” Takemichi yelled. He knows Kantou Manji Gang is really bad news. They’ll beat everyone to death without a second thought.

“Really? Then you ‘do’ know about the gruesome underground activities they’ve done so far?...”

“G-gruesome?” His eyes widen in horror, hands trembling into a closed fist, he unconscionably came up with different gruesome scenarios and shakes his head to rub it all off out of his head.

The guys upon noticing the restlessness overtaking their blondie’s face get up and went to sat next to their friend. Draken put his hand to his hero’s shoulder, squeezing it gently to let Takemichi aware of their presence.

Takemichi look up and found his friends smiling so warmly at him that he can’t help but to smiled back at them.

“Takemitchy, I’m sorry…” Angry muttered out the sudden surprising him. Him only.

“Why are you apologizing for Souta-kun?” The blondie asked, raising his eyebrows at Angry.
“Well, we intended to keep everything we knew to you…I am sorry Mitchy.” Hakkai replied in Angry’s place.
Everything went silent. Everyone stared at Takemichi’s unreadable expression.
Takemichi suddenly folded his arms and hardened his gaze, sending cold glares to his friends causing them to falter, shoulders tensing up and all eyes on the floor.
Ocean blue eyes leisurely soften that didn’t go unnoticed by the other occupants (Brahmans) watching the scene in amusement.

“Is it about the ‘true’ nature of Kantou Manji? Their ‘gruesome’ underground activities?...” Takemichi started- ignoring how the words left a nasty feeling through his throat.
All of them replied with a nod still can’t able to look up afraid of what might those ocean blue eyes filled with hatred looks like.


A soft smile taking over on his face as he reach out the chin of the person closest to him and lifted it. Dark orbs meet the softest ocean blue eyes.

“I understand that you guys wanted to protect me, I’m not mad.” Takemichi says in a soothing tone that quickly washes the anxiousness everyone felt. They raised their heads and stared at those blue ones in admiration.


“Yeah, it surprised me but I’ve already seen everything much worse than that. Mikey’s Gang is still a fledgling criminal group so its not too late for me to save Mikey!”
He release a giggle at his own words and then pouted at his friends. Everyone was taken aback but hastily smiled back until a loud laugh from Benkei fills in the room.

“We’re worried for nothing…” Chifuyu muttered. Everyone nodded in agreement. A relief smile gracing their lips.

“So, what else are you hiding from me?. Might as well spit out everything now.”

With this words escaped in Takemichi’s mouth, silence reign the whole living room again. Takemichi almost wanted to burst out on laughter but held himself. He looked at his friends with an innocent face. He saw the sweats streaming out of their foreheads and commit the same thing they did earlier. Looking down on the floor. A vein popped out on the blondie’s forehead.

“So, there is…”

“Could you please stop doing the same thing over again? Its annoying… I might get mad for real…” Takemichi utters solemnly earning a chuckles from the Brahman’s living legends.

The boys hurriedly sat up straightly, hands lies on their knees properly with their eyes looking straightly at those pair of blue orbs.

“So, what is it?”

He got a silence as a reply. He looked flatly at them, folding his arms.

“Tell me, please… ?”

“WE’VE DECIDED TO JOIN BRAHMAN!” Hakkai nervously yelled surprising everyone. All face went paled when they saw Takemichi’s eyes dilated in shock then change into something they can’t figure out whether if it is fear or rage.

“….You what?” He hazily stated sending shivers down to everyone’s spines.

“We’re already part of Brahman…” Mitsuya replied, trying to keep his cool.

Takemichi went pale, covering his mouth and glance at the Brahman’s boss direction. A simple nod from Senju confirmed it all.

“No… YOU CAN’T!...”  He yelled and stand up. He felt restless. His hands were already trembling. His heart was thumping in a indescribable speed. Eyes was shadowed by his hair. His thoughts filled with one certain person. Mikey.

Mikey disbanded the Toman and let everyone he dears to choose their own paths away from the delinquency world not giving a damn if he will fall into darkness. Alone.
To make Takemichi ideal future became a reality Mikey sacrifices his own happiness; to  be with his friends, to be with his beloved Toman, to be with the one he loves. And to be with Takemichi.
Mikey’s happiness in exchange for everyone’s future.
A pang of guilt send a harsh shudder on Takemichi.

‘If Mikey will heard about this…. Mikey might…’

An image of Mikey falling into the pit of darkness, black fathomless eyes staring at the ocean blue eyes in agony flashed before his eyes.


He shouted trying to reach out Mikey’s hand but failed miserably.



Takemichi blinked his eyes. Everything went back to normal again. No Mikey around just his friends wearing the same worried frown on their faces. He looked away and pulled himself away from everyone’s grasp.

“I… I want to be alone….”

Takemichi said without looking at anyone. He turn around and began to walk away, feeling a bit of relief that no one tried to stop him. He went straight to his bedroom and closed the door. He stared briefly at the whole room before sliding down, with his back leaning at his door.

“….Mikey….” He whispered under his breath.


Fathomless black eyes glance at the starry night briefly before giving his attention back to the kneeling group of men in front of him, pleading for their lives to be spared.

‘kill them…’ the dark impulsivity whispered on his head.

He shoot the men on the head one by one. Emotionless eyes stared at the dead bodies fleetingly before averting to glance at one certain person behind his back.

“Clean up the mess.” He flatly ordered.

The white haired teen nodded. A smug smirk took over the teen’s face before taking out his phone.

‘Kill him…Kill everyone…’ His dark impulsivity stated. He shook his head to disagree what his other ‘self’ wants him to do. He walks away and leave the abandoned warehouse quietly. Alone.

He reach his house and quickly lied to the floor dreamily. His mind filled with the certain blondie teen again. He unconsciously smile when he remembered their shared kiss at the dark alleyways. Mikey felt like his in the cloud nine at the fact that Takemichi seems to love him back.

‘Manjirou….Takemitchy….Kill him…’ 

Mikey was frozen to his place, eyes dilated hurriedly in fear. Did his other ‘self’ just ordered him to kill the person Mikey love dearly?.
Mikey felt very mad to himself. To his other ‘self’.
“I WONT LET TOU HURT TAKEMITCHY!” Mikey shouted in no one.

He stood up and began to kick everything that his vision can reach until his anger faded out.

Everything was a mess when his right hand man arrived at Mikey’s house. He hurriedly went to search Mikey and sighed in relief when he saw his boss on the balcony staring blankly at the crimson moon

“Mikey-kun…” He called out but got nothing as a respond.

He sigh audibly and leave his boss alone to have his previous time.

But before he can even leave he heard his boss muttered a name clearly.


He is not a fool to not noticed how the name leave their boss’s mouth sounded so intimate and needy. His lips curved up into a smirk.
He took out his phone and dialed a certain number. When it answered, he takes no time to blurt out what he wants to the other.

“Hanagaki Takemichi, bring him to our turf tomorrow. Boss wanted that boy badly.”


Detta! I’m really sorry for the late upload. I’ve been fantasizing my Toman babies charr(›´ω'‹ )

So, thanks for the votes and appreciations hehe. Baji will bless you from heaven..

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