Chapter 1

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All men are not created equal. This was the reality of the society I learned at the young age of four. And that was my first and last setback. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I didn't think it would go this far, but hey, that's my bad, I guess. 

My eyes opened to the blaring sound of the alarm clock: "TIME TO GET UP AND HAVE A PLUS ULTRA DAY! - TIME TO GET UP AND HAVE A -" I slammed on the snooze button and got out of bed reluctantly. I just woke up, and the world had already seemed dim, it was a Monday. 'Just another day of school for me. Woop-dee-doo'. Summer sparked a gleam of hope for me. No more homework, no getting up early in the morning, no more bullies – wait, sorry, never mind that last bit! It was something I could never escape because of my condition. Ever. Regardless, summer wasn't here yet, so I left the house with a kiss on my mom's cheek and got on my way to school.

As soon as I stepped on campus I was transported to my own personal hell. Laughed at and mocked, I made my way to homeroom.

 'Look it's that boy!' 

'You mean the one without the –'

'Shhh! Hey pipe down, he'll hear you!'

'Like I care!'

I brushed pass the cliques of girls gossiping about me, pretending I couldn't hear them. I was an expert at tuning out people's conversations, anyone would after insults and gossip filled the room wherever you went for years and years on end. It just becomes mindless jibber-jabber after a certain point. I made it to my homeroom and quietly sat in my seat. Looking at the window across the room, I waited for this day, like many others before it, to be over already.

My teacher droned on and on about mindless chatter. I really wasn't interested in anything he had to say, until I heard "Ok... erm well I was supposed to pass out these career interest forms, but I think we already know what course you want to apply for –"

"THE HERO COURSE!!" The answer was unanimous, a bit scary if you ask me, I was startled by the loud noise but focused my attention now. Like most people in my class, I too wanted to apply for the hero course for high school. The teacher now focused his attention on Kacchan as he spouted a speech of how everyone else would be lucky to be a sidekick to some D class hero, and how he was going to apply for Yuuei High School and be the first person at this school to get in. The class responds with loads of "Shut up!"'s and "Screw you"'s

"That's right, erm, Midoryia, weren't you also applying to Yuuei for the Hero Course?" The teacher commented with a small smirk. He knew what he did, and now I had hell to pay. 

The class whipped their heads toward me in shock. 

"I-I um... mmhmm" I nodded my head slightly. 

"Ha!" One of the kids in class laughed "You can't get in if you don't have a quirk, loser."

The class erupted laughing. I could feel my face heating up.

"Well actually they just changed it last year, so t-technically anyone can apply, right? It's worth a shot, plus I really really want to be a her–" I had stammered before Kacchan cut me off. Rude.


"NO! No, Kacchan I-I'm not trying to c-compete with you!" I shucked out a reply "I just– It's been my dream since we were kids to be a hero, I just want to try! I'm not sure what will happen if I don't even try!" 

The class fell silent. "Damn Deku, you won't even make it past the entrance exams! You're a quirkless loser!! Just give up already dammit!!!" Small snickers filled the room, it was quiet but the noises sounded as loud as bombs. I shrunk into my chair and remained quiet for the rest of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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