Chap 1

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Peter have always liked Thor as long as he can remember.

An eleven year old peter had been at home,sick, one day, when he heard about an alien invasion. He'd been eleven when he looked out his bedroom window and saw a streak of thunder striking from the sky. He'd been eleven when he saw the god of thunder himself on the television for the first time.

Since then, it was simply a common fact. The grass is green. The sky is blue. Peter likes Thor.

Don't get him wrong. His favorite avengers would always be Iron Man. He adore the billionaire. He idolizes the fact that Tony Stark make himself a superhero, not because of cool superpower but because of his intelligence. He inspired to be like Tony one day and that would never change.

But Thor.

Thor is just....Thor.

There isn't a word that could describe the Asgardian. Thor is just someone that ,in Peter's opinion, is incomparable to any Mortals out there. His aurora screams warrior and he is a literal embodiment of what perfect should look like.
Thor is the type of being that just is. He is up there on the list without the need of explanation, except for the reason that he is Thor.

It's almost like Pepper Potts, where you could end an argument with nothing either than "because she's Peter Potts". (Maybe Thor is a bit above her because he's a god, but Peter would rather walk through Hell's gate,head first, then ever voice the thought out.)

Then Puberty happened.

Growth spurts. Hormones. All that jazz.

Guys would talk about girls. Girls would talk about guys. Rumors about who's dating who spread like wild fire. First loves were formed, first breakups, heartbreaks all of those.

But Peter. He never thought about liking anyone. He had Ned, which he would talk about Legos and Star Wars. He had his Aunt and Uncles to hang out too. He would read thesis and research papers at lunch, from scientists like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.

And if he ever have free time. You'd think he might use that to like any girls in his class? Nah. He was busy dreaming about Thor's biceps.

Can you blame him? They were huge. The muscles in his arm have their own muscles. It was literature. It was beauty. Each veins look like they were carved and painted with precision by the heavens when he was created. Which, since Thor's a god, there's always a possibility.

Anyway as he was saying, it wasn't like he was being creepy or stuff. He was merely admiring art. He had never really thought about what having a crush on the god would mean, he'd never give a thought about sexuality or identity.

Until one day, he was made aware of it.

He was twelve (almost thirteen in a couple months) and he was having a normal day at school. The classes were far too easy for him but he listened anyway. He didn't want to be ungrateful, he know Ben and May worked hard to pay for his school (even with his scholarship taking care of most of the cost). He tried not to daydream too much but sometimes it was hard to control his brain when its going 100 miles per hour.

The bell rang signaling lunch break. He took his tray and went to the furthest corner of the cafeteria where he and Ned sat together. They were nerding out about the new Lego set and one thing lead to another, then before he knows it, Peter was gushing on about Thor..again.

He was halfway through his fanboy rant when he was interrupted by a voice coming behind him.

"Yo Penis. Quit talking about your big fat crush on Thor. It's gay and pathetic," flash shouted from his table making his sorry excuse of friends burst into laughter.

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