Chapter 20

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As I head over to the field, I seen some of the pack members looking at me weird like; Who am I? What is he doing here? And so on. I just waved it off, I smiled, nodded, and waved at them just to be friendly.
Once I got there, I saw Paige was setting some shit up. I slide down the side and ran over to her.

"Hey, so what's all this for?" I had asked.
"Well, after you were born, your mothers powers got a little out of hand, so I helped her get back to her true self." Paige had said.
"Oh, tell me what she like?"
"God, your mother was my best friend once she moved into this pack. Yes, I have 3 other sisters and those two numb skulls of brothers, but with me, we were the same age and we just clicked. Our father hated when he told me to do something but I couldn't because I was the Luna's back up. But when it got to a point that he had to talk to your mother, she put her foot down on me and kinda grounded me herself. I was still in school and I was failing." She told me.
"Bet that was hard for her."
"Probably, but she never showed it." Paige said, then threw me a medicine ball.

She threw it like it was nothing but when I caught, I fell on my ass. Paige just giggled then stood up straight and faced me. She was ready for anything.

"Maybe I ask, what are you 5?"
"We're Romanian Amazonian. My mother is an Amazonian, so that's where you see us girls are buff as fuck and we all don't take shit either. I'm more calmer then my sisters. Well other than Phoebe, she's calm too but once she's in a fight, that's all she focuses on. My father being Romanian, he got a mean streak in him and that's where you will see when we become mean, that's where its from."
"Oh god, mean and buff two bad combinations together." I said.
"I believe your mother said the same damn thing when she had asked."

I laughed then threw the ball back at her. We tossed it around a few times until it was enough, then we were off to do something else.
She would try to explain what we were doing, but I sometimes couldn't get a handle on it. I just did what she asked.

"Do not try to use your powers. Don't let yourself get mad then take over. That is where your messing up." She would say.

I nodded then fought my way to the top. She would sneak attacks at me, throw shit at me. Yes I got hurt, but my wolf healed me when I needed it. My wolf was stopping my powers for me and that is one thing I was loving him for. I just needed to be one with him.
When Paige threw a sliver dagger at me, it glazed my arm when I was on top of the climbing wall and of course I lost my step and fall back 20-30 feet high. Everyone that was around ran to check on me. Then I heard them. I blew out the breathe that was holding then sat up. When I saw them running at me, I felt myself get mad, angry, worried, scared but I knew it wasn't my feelings. When they got to me, Phil grabbed my arm and checked it, Bailey she was tearing up a little bit then I saw something change in her. She stood up and started to head over to Paige.
I stood up then speed over in front of Bailey. I looked at her in her eyes and could see my eyes were changing. She didn't care if they changed she just wanted blood.

"Bailey stop, I told you this isn't the place." I growled at her.
"She hurt you. Your blooding from sliver." Bailey growled back.
"I am fine. I'm healing as well speak, sliver doesn't hurt me." I told her.
"But what if she didn't know that? What if she could have killed you." Bailey growled.
"Actually I did know and I didn't, that's why I threw it at him. His mother used to have me do this shit to her all the time. So don't talk shit like I ain't even here about shit I don't know." Paige said sharping up the sliver daggers.

Bailey snapped her head at Paige and growled. I grabbed ahold of Bailey and pushed her to Phil who was actually calm about all of this and towed her back to the house.

"Next time, don't let your mate talk you down in a practice." Paige said as I heard her toss the daggers down.

I was about to say something to Paige until I heard clothes shredding. When I looked, Bailey had shifted them ran towards Paige. It all happened so fast that I didn't see this coming. Phil had yelled for Bailey and I just stood there and watched her run passed me.
When I saw she tackled Paige to the ground, Paige had shifted right under her and it was getting ugly. I had to stop this, I was the delta damnit, she had to listen to me but also I was her mate. She's just doing what mates would do to protect their mate. But I didn't care.
I shifted into my wolf and called out to my powers and flamed on. When I ran over to them and stepped into middle, I growled my loudest at Bailey to stop. She was fighting it with me because of the whole delta and mate bond. I was guessing Phil knew that as well so he came over to me in his wolf form as well. He was the beta and also mate of mine. He growled at her and you can tell she was fighting it as well. Until I pushed my foot down into the ground then I let out a huge loud growl. It was my alpha growl that it finally came out. My flames got higher, where I was making everyone scared and shake. Bailey started whining then laid down on all fours showing me her respect for an alpha.
Just as she was showing me her respect, Damon and Stefan came running out in their wolf forms wondering what was going on. When he saw what I was doing, he was shaking a little. No alpha has ever been scared of another alpha before but with my powers and who my parents were, it was just a matter of time.

"Shift now Bailey, and go to our room. I am not very happy with you. I told you this not the place and time to get jealous over a family friend of my parents. Especially if I take this pack over one day." I said still growling at her.
"Yes, Devin. I'm sorry." She said whining then shifted into her human form and ran towards the house.

I was beyond pissed off that I sat down and didn't want to move. I usually would run off but I didn't. Phil shifted with Paige and her brothers. But me, I stayed like this.

"Now that is what I call and alpha." I heard Paige yell out.

I turned my head at her and growled a little.

"Sorry, just speaking the truth." She said at first.
Then Damon walked up to me. "God, only if your parents can see. You have your fathers attitude and your mothers powers, god a bad combination." Damon said laughing a little.
"Man before you came out here, she was fighting the delta power and the mate bond." Paige said then looked at Phil. "But your the beta, why was she fighting you."
"Because I'm not her mate in a way he is. But she let her jealousy take over and wanted blood." Phil said. "But then something in Devin kicked in, like his true self. His wolf let the alpha blood come out. So when he went all alpha and his flame got bigger," Phil started to say then looked at me. "That's not all got bigger, his wolf got bigger now I'm looking at you."
"He's not longer an delta." Stefan spoke.
"He's an alpha." Damon said.

Wait no that can't be. I can't be an alpha right now.

"Man, all that hard working we were doing just to keep your powers under control where you can toughen up in human form just allowing your wolf to help you." Paige whined.

I looked at her then pushed her with my head. She laughed a little then pet my body.

"The flames don't even hurt. I thought they would." Paige said.

I rolled my eyes at her then shifted. Once I was in my human form, I was still sitting on the ground.

"Now that you've found your true self as an alpha? Are you going to take over this pack? You know I'll step down as alpha for you, its your rightful place." Damon said.
"I don't know. I wasn't built to be an alpha."
"Please, then what the fuck was that then?" Paige had said.
"Exactly, Devin. Your father was alpha of this pack then your mother came along and just showed who was boss a little more." Stefan said.
"Their right, you know." Phil has said.
I looked up at Phil. "But I can't. I'm the delta of our pack and your my mate that is also the beta of our pack."
"Yes, I am and your no longer a delta. Your wolf just showed you that tonight."
"But what about Robert? What would he say when I leave?"
"Well he'll be okay with it. But when I leave he won't be because he'll be out a beta and a delta."
"Ouch," Paige said. "Well if she moves in with y'all, she better control herself because I ain't the one to play. If it wasn't for you two, I would have killed her."

We both nodded at her then I looked at Damon. I sighed then stood up and walked over to him.

"If I take over, you two will be my beta and deltas leaving Phil just my mate. And Bailey my Luna."
"Wait I'm a beta, I can't just be nothing." Phil said.
"Your not gonna be nothing. Your gonna be like a 2nd in command alpha. Say if ain't here, you can take charge."
"Like a beta would do, I can't do that."
"Look he can be beta still. He was born a beta and gonna be like that. I'll step down as alpha and beta to become delta and Stefan can be the gamma." Damon said. "I mean we don't have a gamma and never had one. Your father didn't want one but your changing that. So when can you take over?" He asked me.
I sighed again then looked back at Phil. "Give me til the next full moon. That's a month from now. That gives us all time to pack and move shit around." I told him.
"And give you time to prepare everyone on what happening in this pack as well. Changes are going to change for the better and as beta Ima make sure that this pack is gonna become better then it has ever become. I don't want to get hit and history being repeated once the true alpha with powers is here." Phil had said.
"Like a well spoken beta." Stefan said.
"There is one thing though. Once you become alpha of this pack, there is something I need to show you." Damon had said.

Show me in a month but why? What is it that he needs to show me once I become alpha.

What do y'all think Damon is gonna show Devin in a month? Will it be who attack that pack and killed his parents and took him? Or is it something else?
What do you think of what happened with Bailey, attacking Paige like that? And how Devin got his full alpha power?
Stay tune to see what happens next.

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