
11K 146 96

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 18

Nickname(Uses it as an Alias after Reincarnating): Purifier

Gender: Male

Looks(Before): Unknown


Likes: Fighting, His IS, Anime, Video Games, his new life, Ichika, and his tiny harem

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Likes: Fighting, His IS, Anime, Video Games, his new life, Ichika, and his tiny harem

Dislikes: People who underestimate him, losing, Ichika(Certain things about him), anime harem antics happening to him, being labeled a pervert

Hates: Ichika's Density, The world's current democracy, when females claim him as "their property", perverts

Personal IS Name: God's Hand

• God's Hand in Standby Mode

• God's Hand in it's Active State

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• God's Hand in it's Active State

Trump Card Description: Allows Y/n to triple the power he already has

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Trump Card Description: Allows Y/n to triple the power he already has. However, it will cause Y/n to have an insane mental state, hurting anyone and anything around him, and it only lasts about 2-3 hours. Once the skill's time limit ends, Y/n will go back to normal, but he will lose consciousness right then after, so it must be used knowing that the enemy has been defeated, and that someone can take Y/n back, if there aren't enemy reinforcements coming. Y/n can choose whether or not to deactivate it, so if he's done fighting in less than 2 hours, he can cancel the trump card.

Defensive Mechanism: Y/n is the only person who can use this IS. If anyone else tries to wear it, or force it off, they will be met with 50 volts of electricity coursing through their body. The catch being is if the person doesn't release it in 10 seconds, the voltage increases by 40 volts.


• "I'll show you what a REAL MAN is capable of!!!!!!!!!!"
• "Time to purify this disturbing world."
• " *Mor Ardain solider voice* Think you can take me?! YON DON!!!"
• "You'll never kill me. This is my second life, and I ain't gonna waste it!!!"
• "Don't fuck with me! I LITERALLY have the power of god and anime on my side! *insert screaming here*"
• "Underestimating me are we, young lady? BIG MISTAKE, BITCH!!!!!!!"


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