3 - Class 2's Rep

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No one's POV

We see all of Y/n's class outside at Arena 3. As they all wait in lines, Chifuyu walks up.

Chifuyu: Today, we're going to practice the basic controls for the I.S! Alcott, Orimura, L/n. You three are up first!

Y/n: Ma'am!

Y/n's gloves then glow, as his I.S appears. Cecilia also activates her I.S, and the two are ready to go. Ichika has a little struggle with his, but he manages to activate his I.S.

Chifuyu: Good! Now fly!

Y/n and Cecilia: Right!

As Cecilia flies up, Y/n jumps and starts flying. Cecilia starts flying, but Y/n quickly gets right near her on her left.

Cecilia: I have to admit, your skills are quite impressive.

Y/n: Thanks! Been doing a lot of training through the manual I was given. Found quicker methods, and utilized them. But still... I'm still curious into what makes the I.S units fly.

Cecilia: Well, I could give you lessons about it everyday after school, and when I do it'll be just the two of us.

Chifuyu: L/n, Alcott, Orimura. Execute a power dive then come to a complete stop.

Y/n: Yes ma'am! *to Cecilia* Ladies first!

Cecilia: You're too kind.

Cecilia then starts a power dive, and stops right before hitting the ground.

Y/n: Damn, she's good.

Chifuyu: Orimura. You're next.

Y/n: Good luck!

Ichika then starts going down, but Y/n quickly realizes that Ichika doesn't have it.

Y/n: Crap!

Y/n quickly exectues a power dive 5x faster than Ichika did, and quickly stops, shocking the class. Y/n quickly turns around, starts flying up, and launches Ichika back up, unfortunately causing Y/n to take the full speed of Ichika's power dive, and causing a massive crater with a radius of 8 meters in the ground.

Houki: Ichika! Y/n!

Maya: Orimura! L/n!

As the smoke dies down, we see Ichika perfectly fine, and Y/n right on the ground.

Maya: L/n, are you alright?!

Y/n: Yeah... I'm fine...

Y/n: Thank that goddess that she made my body as hard as diamonds, or I could've been screwed.

Ichika: Sorry Y/n!

Chifuyu: You better be! Do you know how much it's going to cost to fill in a hole the size that Y/n just made?

Houki: *to Ichika* This wouldn't have happened if you-

Before Houki can finish her sentence, Cecilia runs to Y/n with a worried look on her face.

Cecilia: Goodness! Are you alright, Y/n dear? Have you been injured?

Y/n: No I'm fine. But what's the "Y/n dear?"

Cecilia: I'm so glad to hear you say that. But still, I think it would be best for you to get thoroughly checked out at the nurse's office. In fact, I'll even go with you!

Y/n: Like I said, I'm fine! I'm basically indestructible when I activate God's Hand!

Cecilia: But Y/n dear...

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