Chapter 3

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My chair was reclined slightly and my body was in an awkward position when I woke up. I drowsily rubbed my eyes and it took me a minute to remember where I was and what had happened before I went to sleep, but slowly it all came back to me.

I suddenly remembered who had sat next to me and looked to my right quickly in alarm but he was still there although he was also asleep. I rested back in my seat not knowing what to do because I was bored and all alone.

I checked to see how long we had left for the flight and found that we were only about 6 hours in, we had around 17 hours left.

God I was already sick of flying. I groaned slightly sitting back in my chair.

Next to me Louis shifted, I looked over to him suddenly starstruck for a moment- having a moment where I realised I'm sitting on a flight next to one of the biggest pop stars in the world. But at the same time realising that although I thought I knew stuff about him from what I've watched and read I didn't actually know anything at all.

He opened his eyes and I quickly turned away not wanting to be caught staring at him.

I could sense that he looked over my way, repositioning his body so he was comfier. "Good morning, love."

Oh my lord. His voice. He sounded like an angel. It was all raspy- evident from the sleep he had just woke up from and his accent was a thing of beauty.

Looking over his way and meeting his beautiful blue eyes I replied, "Not sure if it's morning tho."

He smiled slightly reaching for his phone and checking the time, "It's 2am so technically speaking it is morning."

I also smiled slightly, "Oh so we're getting technical now are we?"
"I mean not necessarily, you were just wrong." He replied a cheeky smile on his face.

I went to reply but just as I opened my mouth my eyes went from looking at Louis to my younger sisters who was standing in the aisle next to Louis seat.
"Hey gorgeous, what're you doing?"
By the looks of her face it looked as if she hadn't been crying since I last saw her but I couldn't be sure. She looked tired though and I wanted her to get some sleep now even though it would probably cause her jet lag once we landed.

"Ashy can I have my panda?" She spoke softly probably slightly intimidated by the presence of Louis. She was always very shy around people that were new to her so this was nothing different.

Louis moved his legs so that I was able to manoeuvre around them and get out into the aisle, reaching up into the overhead compartment and into my carry on bag to get Paige her stuffed toy.

As I was rummaging around for it I looked down and Louis was speaking to her with a soft voice. She rubbed her eyes evident of her tiredness and just as my hand landed on her panda and to my surprise she laughed. The sound was pure joy to my ears and one that was definitely welcome. She was too young and innocent to be as sad and scared as she was from this tragedy she deserved as much happiness as possible and I would try my very best to protect her and make sure she got the happiness she deserved and I'd so the same with my brother.

I grabbed out her panda and closed the overhead compartment. I crouched down and handed it to her, "here you go sweetheart, are you gonna get some sleep now?" She nodded, tightly holding onto her panda.
"Do you want me to walk you back to your seat?" She shook her head. She turned on her heel and headed in the direction of her seat, but not before she waved and smiled at Louis.

I stayed standing for a moment looking over the seats and heads to make sure she got to her seat fine and I also noticed that my brother was asleep in his seat.

I sat back in my seat, positioning my body so that it was mostly facing Louis. "Thank you for that."
He looked confused, "For what exactly?"
"For making her smile and happy. It's not something that's been particularly regular lately." 
"Oh. Well glad I could be of assistance." He smiled.
I somewhat smiled back before he changed the subject, "So why are you heading to London?"
"It's a permanent move due to some unfortunate circumstances." I was surprised at how normal my voice sounded.
"Wow, that's gonna be a massive change. From Australia's climate to England's one."

I was glad that Louis didn't want any details because I think that he could sense that it wasn't something I wanted to talk about. "Why were you in Australia?" I asked, keeping the conversation going.
"I went to a concert and just had the a bit of a holiday before doing some more promo for the album."
"Oh my gosh, the album. When does it come out? It's gonna be great."
"Sorry love but I can't tell you, that's a surprise. But yeah it's gonna be pretty great." He ended this with a wink that made my heart stop for a couple of seconds.

I was surprised at how easily the conversation flowed with us over the coming hours, at times it got deep at times but not too deep that I was uncomfortable and at other times there was just general small talk.

Over the next 17 hours we got to know each other, we watched a movie together and got some sleep. Overall it was a flight that was made bearable by Louis company and turned out to be a lot better than I thought it would be and for that I was grateful.

Although in a way I was anxious to be getting off this flight to start our new life in England and to adjust to our new life, especially seeing how Paige and Dylan adjusted and to be there for them as much as they'll need me.

On the other hand I didn't want to get off. Sitting here next to Louis had been the most fun I have had in a while. I have been able to relax to a degree and my thoughts were not constantly haunted by them like they had been recently. Although we were 38,000 feet in the air, in mildly uncomfortable seats this had been the most peaceful sleep I had gotten even if it was only small amounts at a time. Sleeping however was something I was reluctant to do because I wanted to spend every waking moment with Louis because he really was a beautiful human being and although I knew I wasn't he made me feel special

No matter what happened whenever I got off this flight I know this will be something I will never forget.

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I'll try to get the next chapter out as quick as I can but because this story is getting rewritten I am having writers block. I'm trying to figure out ways to make this better and thats easier said than done. Also this book isn't my main priority- my other book 'Just Another Girl' is, go check that out if you want :)

Follow me on Instagram if you want: crazy_crazy_fangirl


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