Chapter 2

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I was awaken by the feeling of someone moving next to me, but when I finally opened my eyes, my neck was stiff so I moved my neck a bit to stretch it. I turned my head and looked to my right and nobody was there. I did see someone walking away towards the toilet though so they might be who was sitting next to me.

The thought of the toilet sounded like a good idea now. Looking at the time on my phone I realised I had been asleep for about two hours.

I got up and my legs were stiff, so I stretched them and headed to the toilet behind me as I knew the one ahead was already taken. I walked down to the restroom locking the door.

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom and frowned. My blonde hair was messed up everywhere and greasy looking, along with my makeup free face looking a little oily. I quickly went to the toilet, flushing it and washing my hands, shoving my hair up into a messy bun.

I walked out of the toilet and instead of heading back to my seat, I walked over to the other side of the cabin to check on Paige and Dylan.

After getting over to them I see Paige quietly crying on my brothers shoulder and I rushed over to her.  "Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" I crouched down in front of her and she immediately reached forward and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"She saw a photo of them on my iPad and she just started crying." Dylan replied for her. I wrapped my arms around her back, right before she erupted into a fit of sobs.

I picked her up and signalled to my brother to move over to the window seat and after he had I sat down with Paige on my lap. For a while she just sat there crying in my arms, I hated seeing her like this. The whole time I felt like I was going to cry as well but I had to hold it together for them.

After a while she had stopped crying and I noticed that she was asleep so very awkwardly and with a bit of difficulty I managed to hop out of the seat and put Paige down into her seat without waking her. I shrug my jacket off and rest it over her. "I'll come over and check on you guys in a little but if she starts crying again or you need me, come and get me ok?"
My little brother nods in response before continuing to look out the window at the night sky and at the clouds.

I head back in the direction of my seat and see and spiky brown hair in the seat next to mine. I couldn't see their face as they were looking down at there lap. 

I mentally prepared myself for a conversation with this stranger, most definitely not wanting one.

I came and stood next to the seat and the stranger didn't even look up from his phone but I managed to squeeze past his legs, rolling my eyes at his rudeness I plopped into my seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry love. Didn't realise you needed to get through." I heard a strong but definitely cute British accent come from my right.

I turned my head away from the window and to the source of the voice, ready to reply with a sarcastic comment but when I looked at him my breath caught in my throat. I opened my mouth to say something. Anything. But nothing came out.

"And I'm assuming you know who I am." He said with a slightly amused smile.
Trying to get myself together and be the adult I supposedly was, I tried to think of a response, something that wouldn't show that I was any type of a fan of his,  "Yeah, you're like a famous actor or something aren't you? Seen you on the TV a few times."

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