Lilith: I Am Here, Even If You Don't See Me

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*Warning, in case you haven't read the Description in detail, Feel free to replace the main character's name with your own's. But in this story, the main character is called Lyra
Warning: There are spoilers to the story. Proceed with caution. Some parts were tweeked from the original story.
Note: As a spirit, Lilith is able to hear one's inner thoughts.


Today's story is a little special. It is a story of Lilith which began way back before Lyra arrived in the Devildom. Perhaps even before she was even born.

Lilith's POV

I am Lilith.

To briefly tell you my story up to this point, I was an angel. I was the Youngest in the family.
I had 6 brothers, Lucifer, the most beautiful angel in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon, The playful Big brother who adores Lucifer, and he always follows the eldest footsteps despite not admitting it.
Leviathan, an introvert angel who looks out for the ones he love in his own silent ways.
Asmodeus, The Angel with the best fashion, and is the one who always striving to look the best for himself.
Beelzebub, an angel who is always hungry, he is the best to have around when one cannot finish one food,  otherwise I would have been in a lot of trouble with Lucifer for wasting the great presents of the nature.
And lastly, The human loving Belphegor. He always sneaks out to the Human world, he just adores how humans are so intellectual and precious, yet they are so short lived compared to us angels.

I once followed Belphie to the human world. I wanted to know what exactly was so interesting there that he would ignore the punishments that Lucifer have in store, just to always return there.
That was when I fell in love. With the environment, and with that man. The human realm was not as bright and beautiful as compared to the Celestial realm, but it has its own beauty.
And the man, his genuine laughs and sincere sparking eyes as he spoke of his life to me, I just couldn't help thinking that I wanted to stay in the Human realm. To be with him, despite knowing his short life.
Despite not knowing that I am an Angel, he promised his forever to me. But that just hurts me even more. His forever, is nothing but a blink of an eye for me.

The next thing I know is that he had contracted a human disease, something name cancer. I didn't know what it is. Angels don't get sick. But it seems deadly. Without thinking, I flew right home and stole a potion. A potion that would heal deep wounds for angels, but it was so potent that it can prolong the life of a dying Human.
I know I shouldn't change fate. But I cannot let him die. Not under my watch. He is my fate, and I want to catch my own fate with my own two hands. Even if I am punished, I have to save the one I love.

I gave him the potion. He survived. But I was captured by my father.
The punishment for me was to be obliterated and turn into dust. In someways, death for angels.
My 6 Brothers couldn't bear seeing me die. So they protested, they declared war to our Father. This was the Great Celestial War. During the war, I was shot right in my wings. I fell from the Celestial Realm and straight into Devildom.

I crashed into the backyard of the Demon King's Castle.
As my vision blacked out, my conscious slowly slipping, but I can still hear. I hear how my Eldest Brother came to Devildom for me. How with the help of the Demon prince, he noticed that he lost his shine from the Celestial Realm and had turned into a Demon. A fallen Angel.
He pledge loyalty to Lord Diavolo in exchange of saving me. And Lord Diavolo turned me into a human.

I didn't have memories of my past as I lived as a human. I was found by the man I fell in loved with. He knows I did something and I cured his Cancer. And he also noticed I forgot my past. So as his gratitude and his love, he took me in, showed me love and took care of me. "You saved me when I was Dying, I can't just leave you there with no one to depend on." was what he told me, when I asked why he took me in.
I married him, had children, grandchildren, and then I died as a Human. A happy blissful human.

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