Bonus Chapter: The Future Timeline

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 Age 767... I'll never forget it... It was the year when those two androids showed up. Soon after they took down all of the Z fighters one by one. With Piccolo and Kami gone, the Dragon Balls were no longer an option, and to make it worse, Goku died of a heart virus before the androids appeared. So far it has just been me and Gohani against the androids, we've been struggling for years but it doesn't matter how much we train we can never get to the level of those two, not even as Super Saiyans. But there is still someone who we know can beat the androids, he's our only hope, and that person is Vegeta and Bulma's son: Trunks.

13 years have passed since the androids first showed up...

Android 18: Where could those 3 be hiding?

Android 17: Meh, they probably escaped already. Let's get out of here, 18.

Android 18: They wouldn't have escaped if you let me finish them off, 17.

Android 17: Yeah but if we kill them we won't have anyone to toy with anymore.

Android 18: You're such a child...

*Android 18 and 17 fly away, meanwhile (Y/N) peaks from his hiding spot to make sure they're gone*

Gohani: Are they gone?

(Y/N): Yeah, they're gone. How's Trunks?

Gohani: Still unconscious. We shouldn't make him fight with us, (Y/N)... He's still too young...

(Y/N): We were also too young when we fought Frieza. Trunks is capable of great things, Gohani. If there's someone who can destroy the androids it's him.

Gohani: I don't like this idea but your instincts have always been right and I won't start to doubt them now.

*Gohani smiles at (Y/N) and he returns the smile*

(Y/N): Thanks. Do we still have senzu beans?

Gohani: Yeah, but just a few.

(Y/N): Give one to Trunks. Hopefully, the zenkai boost he gets will make him much stronger.

*Gohani takes out the senzu bean bag from her pocket and gives one to Trunks. After swallowing it he slowly opens his eyes*

Trunks: G-Gohani? (Y/N)? T-The androids where--?!

(Y/N): It's okay, we're safe. The androids left while you were unconscious.

Trunks: I'm sorry if I just got in your way...

Gohani: Don't worry, Trunks. You did the best you could.

(Y/N): We should head back to Capsule Corp, make Bulma know we didn't die.

*The three head towards Capsule Corp and enter Bulma's "hideout" since the main building is destroyed*

Bulma: Thank Kami you're all ok! How did it go?

(Y/N): Same as always... We got lucky again...

Bulma: Sorry to hear that... Hopefully the meal I prepared for you cheers you up! Are you staying, Gohani? There's plenty of food.

Gohani: I don't know, I don't want to be a bother...

Bulma: Not at all! You will always be welcome here, plus you're (Y/N)'s girlfriend!

(Y/N): You didn't have to say the last bit out loud, Bulma...

*(Y/N) facepalms in embarrassment while Gohani looks down with a slight blush*

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