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"Masquerade" (2x7) 

"Masquerade" (2x7) 

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Katherine Pierce walked threw the two white colored doors to see an empty room

"Ha! I did I tricked the all famous Katherine Pierce" Caroline Cheered as she was wiping her fake tears. The older vampires lips turned into a snarl rushing towards the blonde only to be stopped, Banging on the invisible threshold.

"What is this?" Katherine questioned as she felt a presence behind her seeing the one and only Stefan Salvatore holding a wooden stake.

A Scoff left the girls lips "You don't think you can kill me with that now do you ?" Her smirk not dropping.

The younger Salvatore shook his head with a slight frown "No, But he can" He threw the stake in the air as his older brother caught it with ease. Holding the stake Damon rushed towards his former lover stabbing her tan shoulder.


Mean while in the backyard were Bonnie, Jeremy, And Elena sitting on a table all having irritated looks on their faces. 

"Bonnie I told you I'm not gonna let anyone get hurt because of me why would you guys go behind my back knowing I didn't want this-" her sentence was cut of by a strained yelp as a patch of blood tinted her pink sweater. Both Bonnie and Jeremy noticed with frantic looks, 

"Bonnie what's happening" Both Gilberts question, Bonnie placed her hand on her bestfriends feeling a linking spell. The dark skinned girls eye shot open as she turned to Jeremy

"You need to stop them she's linked to Katherine whatever she feel Elena feels! Go now Jeremy" She watched as the youngest gilbert ran towards the mansion trying to stop his sister from hurting anymore.

"It's ok Elena, I'm gonna try and take some of the pain away ok?" She watched the girl in front of her nod before muttering a spell 'Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala'  Reducing some of her pain.


Damon Salvatore had the 500 year old vampire against the wall ready to stake her cold heart until he heard little gilberts voice,

"Stop! Stop it whatever your doing to her it's happening to Elena" His voice was breathy from running, his chest moving up and down with his hand up. Reluctantly his hand from the smirking vampire, And got both brothers tense.

"Ugh, yes lets all save stupid Elena, But I must have forgot to mention that I know a witch and my witch is better then your witch." With that the girl sat down with the wooden stake in her cold hands "Good bye Jeremey" Her words laced with cockiness knowing she had the upper hand.

Moments later the silence was broke by the doppelganger, 

"The three of us together just like old times, The brother who loved me to much" She tilted her head to Damon "And the one who didn't love me enough" Snapping her head slightly to the younger Salvatore.

Damon rolled his eyes "And the Evil slut vampire who only loved herself." The older vampire wouldn't admit but shock past threw her doe eyes for a split second before her usual bitchy aura was back.

"What happened to you Damon you used to be so sweet and polite" A silence fell between the two until Damon turned around with his drink "Oh that Damon died A long time ago." 

Making sure he drawled out the 'O' before walking back to refill his drink 'Good he was bore' With the snarky comment from the brunette anger took over the eldest Salvatore dropping his drink speeding her towards a wall with the stake above her heart.

"Damon don't she's linked to Elena, You'll hurt Elena" He heard his brothers warnings as well as Katherines Encouragements 'Yes Damon please do it' or 'God you're hot when did you get so hot'. Letting go of the girl scared to hurt Elena he went back to the drink stand, only for her to ask for one

"Right away miss Katherine" His voice screaming sarcasm as he handed her the bourbon filled glass. Steps was heard from the three vampires as Lucy emerged with a smirk leaning on the door frame holding the moonstone.

What neither of all the supernatural beings in the room knew was there a shadow watching, Lurking, Before the shadow thought of a spell seeing Lucy dizzy falling to the ground with the moonstone landing on the floor. Letting her feet walk to grab the moonstone, She smirked knowing she finally had what she's been searching for, For nearly two centuries.

"Hey drop it" The irritating voice of Katrina's rang in her ears. Slowly but yet with still grace she rose to her feet from her squatting possession looking dead in the eyes of the women with the original bitch she hated with a passion.  

"Well Katrina that's no way to speak to me, you of all people should know better than that" Confusion shone on the doppelgangers face until she saw a faint veins with light teal green eyes, She backed in fear as the features in the masked Original's face left before either Salvatore could see.

"No" Her voice was so much barely a whisper surprising the 200 year old vampires in the room, With that the mysteries women left. The brothers stood dumbfounded as they watched the girl who they thought was ruthless speed away with so much fear evident in her eyes as she spared a glance at them.

Both tired of being in the room they walked out joining everyone else until the left.


Elena gilbert walked towards feeling eyes on her, Turning around she was met with a masked girl with almost black eyes. Jumping she was close to speaking until her head was smashed on a window,  The mysteries girl whipped round ready to snap someone's neck which she did until someone behind her snapped hers.

Darkness consuming her

(957 words)


Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting but was on vacation for a while so here's this chapter Mr.Nobel Mikealson comes in soon AHHH I'm excited but don't worry it wont be he comes in we automatically fall in love no its kinda (KINDA) a slow burner so..... Anywhore how is everyone ? Hope your doing good

btw I won't be following the exact plot line and the words wont be the same as the episodes (just want to put it out there) 

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