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The bells ring as a rush of students enter the class.


The late bell rings and the students quiet down. As everyone pays attention to the teacher. Glances between l/n and Miyamura occur as they signal to each other that they both brought the food they had promised to bring. 





The rushing of students could be heard all over the school as the hunger in their stomachs rose more and more as time passed by. As desks got pushed in and students rushed out, lunch time had arrived. She rushed up the stairs hoping to beat Miyamura to the roof but alas he had gotten their before her. 

"Are you apart of the track team?"  

"Haha, you're funny. Nope my last class is close to the roof which is why I got here before you. Or maybe you're just slow." Miyamura grins widely as chuckles escape his mouth. 

"Do you want me to smack you." You poked daggers in his eyes with a deadpan face. 

"No..." Miyamura's eyebrows raise at you as he gives you a concerning look. 

"Anyways, what'd you bring for lunch". 

As he shuffles through his bag to look for the food he brought her l/n lifts her head back as the wind captures her face. Enthralled by the nature surrounding her at the moment. 

Miyamura coughs to try to gain l/n's attention. 

"Oh sorry, so what'd you bring?"

"I brought this bread that goes with anything and I brought this as well for you *insert your favorite pastry* I didn't know if you would like it, I kind of picked the first pastry that I saw because I was running out of time". Miyamura looks down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with the girl as he scratched the nape of his neck, as he didn't want to see the face of disappointment wash over her. 

M: She probably thinks I'm so inconsiderate. 

"Maybe you have some magical hidden talent that you didn't know about because this is actually my favorite pastry, maybe you're a psychic." 

With that Miyamura broke the long contact he was holding with the floor and looked up at l/n as he let out a laugh which surprised the girl. 

"Ha Yeah maybe I do, anyways what'd you bring." 

"I brought my masterpiece of a lunch for us. Behold my creation, I hope you aren't allergic to anything by the way. You aren't right? If so I'm so sorry."

"Nope don't sweat it I'm not allergic to anything. But l/n this looks really good and smells really good too." Miyamura took a bite of the food as his face distorted into a face of pleasure. 

L/N: Was my food that good?

L/N continued eating her food in silence as she watched Miyamura eat her food silently as well. She continued watching him until he finished his food. 

"Woah l/n that was really good, have you considered becoming a chef or something like that. You have the skills to do so, I felt as if I was transported to another universe when I was eating that. If I ate food like this everyday I would think that I'd be in a Utopia." He continues showering l/n with compliments as he starts eating his pastry. 

L/n looked to the side as she covered her face so Miyamura wouldn't see her state as a smile couldn't help escape her lips as he said this. She already knew her cooking was good as people would tell her that throughout the years but hearing it from Miyamura felt different. It felt weird. And she didn't know if she liked or disliked this feeling. She could only mutter one word at the moment. 


She tried focusing on anything else other than what Miyamura had just said, so she decided to join him and eat the pastry he had given her which to her dismay was her favorite pastry of all time. She knew he grabbed it at random but she still wonder how out of all the choices her favorite pastry got chosen. To her success all the thoughts were washed away from her brain as she got hit with the tastiness of the pastry Miyamura had brought her. She's had many of these type of pastries throughout the year but for some reason this one tasted different. It gave her a sense of fulfillment, a sense of joy, something she was desperately seeking at the moment. 


The sudden change of volume startled the boy as he heard l/n's voice boom throughout the roof. He didn't know the pastry would be that good afterall it was something that he had tasted so many times before. 

"Nothing special it's just the same old same old recipe." 


Miyamura doesn't usually give recipes from his family's restaurant out but something about l/n enticed him to. 

"I mean if you say so, I'll give it to you tomorrow if you want but be warned there's nothing special inside the recipe." Miyamura wasn't lying there truly was nothing special inside the recipe his parents made but he still would be willing to give it to l/n if it made her happy. 

L/n continued to babble on about how good the pastry was and how she'd be able to die happy if she had a lifetime supply of these. 

Miyamura continued to watch her babble on about the pastry that he had given her, she had never known she could be like this and it made him feel weird. But that's probably because it hasn't been a long time since he they met so he doesn't know that much about her. He wanted to get to know her more so he could see all these sides to her. 

As L/n kept talking about the pastry Miyamura bursted out a question which made l/n stop speaking. 

"Do you want to hang out this weekend?"

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