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The weekend had come and Miyamura was now waiting outside of l/n's house

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The weekend had come and Miyamura was now waiting outside of l/n's house. He was kind of nervous I mean this wasn't a date or anything he was just hanging out with a friend but he hadn't been out with another person that wasn't Shindou or his family in a very long time. Just thinking about hanging out with someone kind of felt weird to him, not in a hateful way more of in a I kind of like this feeling way. And he'd hope he'd be able to continue feeling this way for a while. Miyamura stayed outside counting the amount of times a person would walk by until his counting got interrupted by the sound of a door opening. 

"Love you Mom bye". 

As l/n closed the door behind her she made eye contact with the blue eyed boy in front of her as she stops in place until she realizes she's been staring at him for a while and walks up to him. 

"Sorry for making you wait so long my mom forced me to help her with something. I didn't make you wait long did I?" The girl looked at Miyamura with eager eyes waiting for his response. 

"Nope, don't worry I didn't wait long I got here like 5 minutes ago." After saying that Miyamura took a closer look at l/n, taking in her outfit, it was a nice outfit and it suited her. He took in the way her eyes anticipated an answer from him and the way she kind of impatiently stood at her door waiting to leave. But a question still pondered in his head, where were they supposed to hang out at?

"So l/n where are we hanging out?" After the words left his mouth he kind of wished he could rewind time, he felt utterly dumb, he had asked l/n to hang out impulsively because he wanted to get to know his new friend better but he never planned anything. He kind of just was told to pick up l/n from her house to hang out. 

M: I'm so stupid, l/n probably thinks I have a plan or something but in reality I don't. I had been waiting for this all week that the thought of me not planning anything didn't even cross my mind. 

L/n: I don't know if he's being for real right now. Or if he's joking.

"Wait what do you mean by"where are we hanging out"? I had assumed you had already planned something because you asked me to hang out." The words slithered out of l/n's mouth because she was genuinely kind of shocked that Miyamura asked her to hang out but didn't plan anything. But then again they hadn't talked about their plans all week they kind of talked about it yesterday during school but never really confirmed anything. Maybe this was bad on both of their parts. 

"I'm really sorry I was looking forward to this all week that it didn't cross my mind at all that we hadn't really planned anything or that I hadn't planned anything. It's just I'm not really used to hanging out with people and when I do it's my friend Shindou who plans these things out. Also in no way am I trying to excuse myself but I'll take this into account in the future when we hang out again." Miyamura looked at l/n with pleading eyes as his eye contact kept going back and forth with his shoes and l/n he felt really bad that he hadn't planned anything before hand. 

"You know what it's fine it was kind of on both of us, we kind of just said yes to hanging out but we didn't plan anything and I didn't ask if you planned anything. Also sorry if my words sounded kind of harsh, I was just kind of surprised. Also, what makes you so sure that we'll even hang out again, in any case this day can end really badly with both of us never wanting to see or breath near each other ever again." L/n leaned closer towards Miyamura with a smirk plastered onto her face trying to get some sort of reaction out of Miyamura, she didn't know why she kind of just wanted to 

Miyamuras eyes widened after hearing that he looked away not really knowing what to say. That's a lie he knew exactly what he wanted to say if anything he wanted to say "Well I won't let that happen." But he didn't know if saying that was going to far or anything he was really new to all this friendship stuff and the only experience he had was with Shindou but he's mean to him and he doesn't want to be mean with l/n or say anything that could strain their new found friendship. So instead he went with the wimpy fake answer kind of tumbling over his words. "Well um, I mean if that's what you want." He looked at the floor again cringing at his answer why'd he say that. Maybe he should have just said what he wanted to say. 

L/n sighed after hearing Miyamuras answer, she was expecting him to say that but deep down she was hoping he'd say something else. What was she even hoping for him to say. L/n took out her phone and went online to see something. "I'm going to check if there's anything we can go to nearby."

The two friends just stood in silence while l/n searched the internet in hopes to find something that would be enjoyable for the both of them. She searched and searched until her eyes finally stumbled onto the prize. 

Carnival on something something street. 

This is what l/n was looking for and the price for admissions wasn't that much either. Carnivals have always been fun for l/n since she was little. She loved the smell of overpriced food, the heat of the scorching sun during the summer, and the sound of children's laughter plaguing the air. She especially loved going to carnivals at night where the laughter of children diminishes, and the lights are the only things that can be seen from a distance as it looks like you're in a city with a thousand fireflies. The only thing she didn't particularly enjoy about carnivals were the rigged games that you had a 1 in 10 chance of winning. But you know what she respects the hussle, they can make bank while she suffers. 

"Miyamura I know what we're doing today. 

We're going to a carnival."

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