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I woke up feeling fuzzy, the sun rays beaned onto the bed I was on nuzzling into.  "Wake up," A deep grunt came from in front of me. I opened my eyes, face to face with a man with dark hair and green eyes that stared at me. "What?!" I shot up looking back at him, his eyes widened before he cleared his throat and turned away bring his thumb under his nose. His pointer finger pointed towards me.

"your..." He trailed off and I noticed my chest completely on display. "Oh, my fuc-" I grabbed the sheets under me and slammed them over myself. "sorry," "I wasn't complaining, I enjoy seeing my work" He hummed back taking a drag of a cigarette in his mouth. He ashed it on the nightstand and grabbed my phone next to the ashtray.

He tapped away, I didn't have a password because Weston was the type of guy who hated those. He showed me a picture..."How do you know this little girl?" "I- uh" I was a bit surprised that he even cared what was on my phone.

"Why?" "Answer my question." "I met her at the airport..."

"No fuckin way," he chuckled "what?" "Hyeon Eun-Ae Demais, she's my daughter." I stared at him for a second before rubbing a hand down my face "I need to use the bathroom," I mumbled in my hand standing off the bed with the sheets. "Door after the next room," My legs wobbled a bit as I stood "careful," he grabbed my waist to keep me steady with a smug expression.

I scurried into the bathroom standing in front of the mirror. I dropped the sheet seeing the top of my breasts covered in hickeys, I guess that's what he meant by his 'work' earlier. "Fuck's sake," I mumbled seeing they traveled up my neck, they went down my stomach, and hell I even found some on my thighs. God just loves to send me surprises-

"Hey," a knock at the door made me jump "what?!" "Jeez woman, I brought you some clothes... And your dress if you didn't wanna wear the clothes."

I opened the door wide enough to stick my hand out "Thanks." "We're you serious...?" I asked closing the door slipping on my dress "She still won't stop talking about the nice woman she met at the airport. Take your time, I'd like to talk to you after," I heard him walk away and blew out a sigh finishing up but putting on sweatpants he had given me.

I walked back to the room he was in "Small world huh," I mumbled tossing back the shirt I didn't use. He sat on the bed in a pair of black boxers "What brings you to Vegas,"

-Last night-
-Continuing from the end of chapter 5- (a/n- reread the end of chapter 5 if ya have to :p)

I shook my head at the man and gave him a tight smile "I think I'm just gonna head home now," "ah, of course. Have a good night miss." "Goodnight."

He turned and headed back into the casino building. Once he did I walked to the crosswalk and headed towards the bar. Straight up lied to that guy before cause- I'm in a state of hating men right now, plEase.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender asked as I sat down on a stool "Something sweet and hard please," he raised an eyebrow at me "Gotcha,"

I lightly bobbed my head the music playing and slouched over the counter going on top of my phone. "Here you go,"

The drink fizzled as he put it down "thanks,"
It was an oddly pretty ombre of red and a peachy red with glitter inside. "Sparkly," I hummed taking a sip "Don't worry, it edible," He chuckled before moving on to the next person.

It tasted like carbonated vodka and I wasn't complaining the cherry flavor tasted better. I drank it all pretty quickly ordering me another "how's your night going?" He asked sliding another drink "pretty terrible, just got kicked out of that stupid casino across the street" "Yikes, caught cheating?" "Not at all, I'm just that good,"


"Yep," "well, it's Vegas I'm sure you'll find another casino to use your 'just that good' skills' at" "cheers," I hummed before downing the drink and paying for my bill.

As I hopped off the stool I bumped into someone walking behind me. "Shit, my bad," I said looking at the person with familiar color of green I've definitely seen before...

"Don't worry," a soft voice hummed grabbing my arms as I stumbled a bit, I glanced up at the person again seeing the man along with a small group of men behind him. "Sorry," I mumbled "You already said that," mentally pinching myself at how slow I sounded.

I threw up a thumbs up and my head down while walking towards the bunch of people dancing to the music. I came to have a good time and that's what I planned to do. I fused with the sweating people dancing, letting all my negative emotions go for a bit to enjoy myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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