Secretly Dating

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"Taylor! Come here their having a news thing about you!" you exclaim from the living room. Taylor comes waltzing in followed by two cats a few seconds later. She plops down on the couch and wraps an arm around your shoulders.

"Turn it up please" she asks and you oblige.

"This just in. Taylor Swift rumored to have a new relationship with Calvin Harris" the reported says and Taylor laughs. She has a red lipstick laugh. You just can't help but giggle along with her.

"Oh they'll never find out" you muse and tilt your chin up to meet her gaze.

"No they won't. I'm keeping you my dirty little wonderful secret" Taylor whispers and kisses you. Taylor kisses like sunshine and summer, always warm and overwhelming.

"I don't think I mind that" you say.

No you don't mind one bit.

Word count: 144

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