Make Up

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You finished off the look with a final coat of mascara and took a step back. You smiled at your handiwork. You were well aware that your own face looked like what Taylor's usually did - the red lipstick, the cat eye, the super light brows, but now Taylor was wearing what you usually wore. More dark and dramatic.

Your relationship had always seemed odd to the press, not just because Taylor hadn't given off signs of being bi-sexual but because of how different your styles were. You preferred darker make up and grunge looks while Taylor-

Well, everyone knew Taylor.

"Ready to look?" You asked, holding onto her hand. She nodded and together, you peeked into the mirror of Taylor's vanity to see what you looked like. Immediately, Taylor burst into giggles and then tried to look at herself seriously. You just smirked - your appearance was exactly what you thought that it would be.

"At least we both have red lips. It won't transfer when we make out." You winked.

Word Count: 174

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