Chapter 19: Hungry

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Soo Yeon returned to Ban Ryu's room to find him sleeping still. She allowed her mother to talk her into resting. Truthfully, she was exhausted. Speaking to Lee Beom Sook had taken it out of her. She wasn't used to standing up for herself. Or being rude to others. Especially not to someone as sweet as Lee Beom Sook.

Now she felt bad. Completely chagrinned that she had hurt him. But mustn't that imply that he felt some affection for her? How else could she have hurt him?

Yet, she'd had the distinct impression that she had hurt the sweet gentleman. But...that didn't make any sense. They barely knew each other. They'd met only a handful of times. Under the most formal of circumstances. How was it possible that he could be truly interested in her?

Oh! This complicated things. For she had no desire to break another heart. She simply wanted her Ban Ryu.

Was it really too much to ask that she be given her heart's desire? That she be allowed to live out the rest of her life making Ban Ryu happy?

Had her father already given Lee Beom Sook reason to hope? Had he arranged a marriage between them? And not told her?

But if he had, had she just ruined all his plans?

For Lee Beom Sook had left her. With a simple apology for wasting her time.

She groaned. Her life was such a mess.

But it was another groan that drew her attention in the next moment.

She flew across the room. Nearly tripping over her mother's feet in her haste to reach the side of a most beloved gentleman.

"Ban Ryu?" she whispered. "Are you all right?"

His eyes fluttered open. "No. My thigh feels like it's on fire still. What did you do to it?"

"I didn't do anything to it! You decided to stand between my brother and a sword."

"I always knew that boy was going to get me into trouble," he moaned dryly.

"Oh! I am so sorry you're hurting!" she burst out.

"Ban Ryu, would you like some pain medication?" her mother's soft voice sounded.

The boy nodded his head. "Please," he croaked. "And something to drink."

"Yes! Of course. You need to drink lots!" Soo Yeon responded as she – more carefully this time – reached for his water glass.

She held it up to his mouth while her mother prepared his medication. As he was drinking it, his stomach suddenly gave a loud rumble.

"Ban Ryu!" Soo Yeon exclaimed. "Are you hungry?"


Her eyes lit up. "That's excellent!" She glanced down at her mother. "Eomma?"

"I'm on my way. Ban Ryu, I will bring you some porridge in just a few minutes." Then that noble lady was gone.

Leaving the two lovebirds alone.

Soo Yeon simply wished that it had been under better circumstances. She reached up and touched his forehead. "Ban Ryu! Your fever! It broke! You're sweating. And you feel cool to the touch."

In her excitement, she bent over and kissed his soggy forehead. Stunned, he drew away from her. "Where am I?" he asked.

"In a bedchamber. In my house. The king asked my father to put you up during your convalescence."

"Why?" he breathed faintly.

"You saved his son."

"I did?" he mumbled.

"Yes. The man that injured you nearly killed my brother. But you stepped in front of him and took the point of the sword for him."

"Mmm," he nodded. "So you said. I'm just shocked that your father didn't dump me out on my ear."

"You're welcome in this house now."

His eyes flew open. "Is this true, Soo Yeon?"

"Why else would Eomma and I be attending your sickbed?"

He closed his eyes and relaxed against his pillow. "I haven't the foggiest idea."

She smiled down at him. "Appa is grateful to you. He told us to keep you alive."

"Mmm. Probably so he can kill me himself later," he mumbled.

"Ban Ryu!"

His lips quirked upward as his eyes opened. "I am happy to see you, though, my love."

"And I am most grateful to the king for insisting that you recuperate here." She grinned down at him. However, after a moment spent watching his strained face, her smile faded. "But I am terribly sorry to see you suffer so."

"I'm fine," he murmured bravely.

She giggled. "You are not, my courageous soul. But you will be. Eomma and I will make sure of it."

"Starting with some porridge," he uttered softly.

"Yes! Is there anything else that you would like?"

"Can you please remove my leg?"

"Umm. No. That I cannot do."

"Will you do me a favor, love?" he whispered.


"Will you wake me when your mother returns with the porridge? I can feel myself fading."

She nodded. "Of course."

"Don't let me sleep. I'm really hungry."

He was asleep a moment later. Half an hour passed before her mother returned with the porridge.

"Oh, the poor boy is sleeping again, isn't he?" she murmured quietly.

Soo Yeon turned towards her eagerly. "You brought the porridge? He asked me to wake him. I think he's starving, Eomma. He hasn't eaten since he was injured."

She leaned over Ban Ryu and woke him gently before spoon-feeding him herself. He appeared immensely grateful for that bowl of chicken rice soup. And he finished every bit of it.

When he'd eaten the last bite, she set the bowl on the side table and asked, "Would you like some more?"

"No." His eyes fluttered shut, and he slipped off to sleep again.

She turned towards her mother. "He's sleeping so much!"

"His body is healing, darling. He needs to sleep. And so do you. Off with you now. I've got this. I promise I'll take good care of him while you rest."



"I might have been a little bit rude to Lee Beom Sook tonight."

"Oh, dear. What did you say?"

"I made certain that he knew where my affections lie."

"I see. And how did he take the news?"

Soo Yeon frowned. "I think I hurt him, Eomma." She wrinkled her brow. "But I really don't understand how. I mean, he doesn't even know me. Not really." She shrugged.

"And just how long did it take you to fall in love with Ban Ryu?" her mother queried curiously.

The girl instantly turned pink as she recalled the circumstances under which she'd fallen for him. She cleared her throat. "I see your point, Eomma." She turned abruptly away. "I'm going to bed."

Her mother giggled as she watched her departing back. Sometimes, the girl was too adorable.

No...she was adorable all the time.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now