Chapter 1- The Mysterious Beginning

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Chapter 1

???'s POV

I went to the Library as fast as I could cause the Library might close anytime soon...


At Galaxia Library

???: Excuse me are you closing?

Librarian: *Chuckles* You're just in time I'm about to close in a few minutes

???: Phew thank goodness... I'll choose a book as fast as I could

Librarian: Nono its okay take your time, since you've been here most of the time I'll give you a chance and plus I'm shocked that a teenager like you is interested into books, teens these days are always on their gadgets and doesn't have time to read *frowned*

???: *Giggles* I love books! To be honest I'm obsessed of reading books!!

Librarian: Wow good to hear! Come in I'll give you time to choose a book to buy or rent

I immediately got inside.

I took a deep sniff to smell the scent of books, don't get me wrong but as a book lover I'm sure you will love the scent of books whether if its new or not....

I looked around to find a book that I wanted to read or in the mood to read...

???: Hmm what should I read?

Should I read romance? Nah, I read romance a lot...

What about Action? Hmm not in the mood for action...

I was about to get a book that I might read until something caught my attention...

I don't know if its just me or something but I see a book that is shining from afar and I immediately went to check it out.

Its a very thick book but I felt some sparks from this book...

It seemed interesting to read....

I took a good look at the book to see what was it about and what genre it was.

???: Hmm its a fantasy story.... Interesting....

I looked at the title of the book and it says....

"The Prince's Curse"

???: Ooohh interesting.... Imma buy this *Smiles*


At the Library Counter

Librarian: Hey have you found a boo-

I looked at the Librarian who was staring at me shockingly

???: Are you okay Ms. Librarian?

Librarian: Y-yes I'm good... Uhm... I see you found a book, are you going to rent or buy?

???: I'll buy it please

The Librarian gave me a unconscious nod...

Librarian: Okay that'll be $20

I nodded and left

Librarian: Gosh she found the book.....


I was excited to get home because I couldn't wait to read this book! Gosh can't wait to go my world...

Oh where are my manners haha!

Greetings! My name is Yang Y/N and I'm a 17 year old girl! I'm Half Korean and Half British just so you know hehe..

I'm the youngest in our siblinghood.

I have a older brother and his name is Yang Jungwon or Johnny for his english name.

I'm just a ordinary teenager who is obsessed with books, sometimes my friends call me a "Bookworm" since I love books so much! I mean I'm very opposite to the teenagers these days...

These teenagers are more into gadgets while I was more into books....

Sometimes I couldn't even hang out with my friends that much because I always spend my time on books

I could lock myself in my room and read all day if I wanted to but my mom always wants me to go outdoors because she said its unhealthy always staying inside...

I mean it's true but I can't help it okay? Reading has became my hobby or obsession ever since....


At Y/N's House

I was about to knock at the door when my brother opened before me knocking...

Jungwon: Yahh where have you been? Aigoo don't tell me that you've been to the library again?

Y/N: So what if I was? Mind your own business you stupid sheep!


Y/N: Oh you did? I didn't remember *smirks*

I immediately ran upstairs to my room because I know that he will kick me in the face if I didn't made a move faster...

Well as you may know my brother is known to be the Taekwondo king in our school so he's very famous and he's more famous because he is an A+ student in their section...

Well I'm also famous but I'm not like the other famous people who act like a b*tch.

Jungwon: *Flips his long hair* Aishh this girl


To be continued....

Hello Galaxies and random readers! ( For the new readers, Galaxies is the name of my readers you can consider yourself as a Galaxy if you want to ) This is my 2nd published book and I hope y'all will support me UwU, anyways take care and stay safe...

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Hello Galaxies and random readers! ( For the new readers, Galaxies is the name of my readers you can consider yourself as a Galaxy if you want to ) This is my 2nd published book and I hope y'all will support me UwU, anyways take care and stay safe MWAHH <3

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