Chapter 13- Regrets and Promises

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Chapter 13

2 months later

August 30, 2021


Wahhh its been two months or I could say almost three months since its almost September, me and Hueningkai have been great friends and gosh I still couldn't believe I had my first kiss from him...

But he told me it was only a friendly kiss and its kinda sad...

I thought he kissed me romantically at that time but I guess no...

But eh what's important is that me and Hueningkai have been buddies for almost three months now and I'm proud of that...

Even though he sees me as a friend, I'm still happy... Am I??

Aishh I don't know anymore...

I asked Ophelia many times already of what I'm feeling towards Hueningkai and she keeps on saying that...

I'm in love...

Am I in love? Gosh I'm so dumb, I've been reading so many books about romance but I never understood my feelings towards Hueningkai... Aigoo this is just too dumb for me...

But what I'm concerned is about Hueningkai's attitude...

He changed a bit... But I don't wanna be dramatic so I didn't mind it...

Ophelia: Yahh Y/N-nnie is this outfit okay for Jungwon? You may know his sense of style does he like this?

I snapped myself back to reality and nodded.

Y/N: Yes- that's fine I guess...

Ophelia: Aigoo Y/N you're not feeling yourself today, are you tired?

Y/N: Nono I'm good, hmm what about this? My brother really likes the brand FILA

Ophelia: OmO this is perfect!!! Imma pay be right back!!

If you may asked "Why is Ophelia buying clothes for Jungwon?" well today is their 2 month monthsary and she is looking for a gift for Jungwon that's why.

Gosh if I'm thinking about the couple, I feel like a third wheeler...

My bestie and my brother dating is the best thing to me because the two person's I love, loved each other as well but romantically...

But the sad part for me is that I'm still single and still stuck into simping for people who doesn't exist aigooooo...

But Hueningkai...

He's an exception right? Wait what the heck am I thinking?!?! AISHH!!

Ophelia: I'm back!! Let's go to Starbucks for some snacks cause I know you're starving and so do I *laughs*

Y/N: Aigoo okay let's go!!


At Starbucks

Me and Ophelia were taking a seat near the window since this was our favorite place..

A few minutes later....

Ophelia: Yahh Y/N you've been stirring your coffee and spacing out at the same time for minutes now, what are you thinking??

I let out a deep sigh and said...

Y/N: I know you're annoyed about this question so it's better that I'll keep silent

Ophelia: Aigoo Y/N you're thinking about your feelings towards Hueningkai again aren't ya?

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