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Ji-yong's P.O.V

We stack the paper bags filled with food in the trunk of our car. We had decided last minute to the grocery store to get some food for the week. While we were going to checkout we agree to have some kimchi for dinner.

For some unknown reason while getting into the car, I had this sudden sickening feeling in my stomach. As if something is telling me that something isn't right. Almost like a feeling that something very bad is about to happen. In full honesty I never had this feeling before.

Halfway to Seoul, we come to a stop at a stop sign at a T intersection. Seung Hyun sees no one approaching, turning on the directional, he cautiously turns left. We continued on forward. 

From what seems out of nowhere we see an oncoming car on the opposite side swerving and speeding out of control. Seung hyun did not have the slightest moment to react before the car slammed into the front of our car head on.

It all happened so fast. We felt weightless as the car spins and flips. I do not recall the couple seconds after the impact but I do remember seeing the windshield completely smashed and the heavy cloud of smoke that is coming from under the crushed hood of the car. I look at my body to see that I have sharp glass shards pierced into my skin. While trying to grip onto what just happened I notice that Seung-hyun is weakly holding onto his chest, coughing and crying in pain saying repeatedly that he can't breathe.

I try a few times to lean over to help him but the second I move a sharp pain shot straight up my back and into my neck. It wasn't long until he starts gasping for air. Painfully I managed to unbuckle myself and I turned slowly to my left. 

He really needs help. Now.

He moves his hands for a second and it looks like he had a deep glass puncture wound in the middle of his chest. I immediately realized that he starting to look pale. He is also losing a lot of blood.

Within moments he starts losing consciousness. He falls to the right side, his head landing on my lap. I quickly grab my sweat shirt that was laying on the seat and pressed it over the wound applying a lot of pressure. While taking sharp gasps, he starts to shut his eyes.

"Come on. Try to stay awake for me."

The grey fabric over the wound is now soaking red. Unfortunately I had nothing else to use to try to stop the heavy bleeding. If only my cell phone is charged I would have called for help and he accidently left his cell phone at home.

By now poor Seung Hyun is struggling to keep his eyes open. He'd close them for a mere 3-5 seconds then try with all his might to open them. I watch his dark hazy eyes dart helplessly at me then at the ceiling of the car.

"No. No please no." I whisper under my breath, tears stinging my eyes.

Underneath the utter terror and disbelief I knew that this was it for him. He has lost so much blood and he's not holding on much longer. I grasp onto his hand in return he clenches onto mine tightly. In the last moment he looks at me and mouths: "Bye Ji" and gives me a small and painful grin. A moment passes and eyes slowly close and the firm grip he holds fades.

"Seung-hyun? SEUNG-HYUN!" I yell. 

No answer. I look at his lifeless body tears streaming down my face.

The sound of tires screeching grabbed my attention. Out the smashed windshield I saw a large car suddenly starting to come down the road straight at us increasing in speed. Even though I knew it was no use I tried get out of the car and drag Seunghyun with me. Several attempts but failed.

The car came to a sudden screeching hault just a few feet away. I sighed hoping that we are finally getting help. The weird part is that I did not see a driver in the car. Before I knew it I felt a sharp pain in my back. I screamed as I felt myself being pushed down. The last thing I saw is an unfamiliar face before my mind flooded with darkness.

My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up in my bed. The alarm clock on the dresser read: 2:34am. I am panting uncontrollably trying hard to catch my breath.

Almost in tears I needed to see if Seung-hyun is okay. I turned on the lamp but he is no where to be seen. He wasn't in bed asleep like he usually is at this time. Oh. God. No. Please don't tell me he's dead! I couldn't help but let out a scream from the sudden panic attack.

I heard footsteps echo from the living room. The bedroom door flung open and Seung-hyun appeared.

"What's the matter?! Are you okay?!" He asks quickly making his way to the bedside. I lost it all at that moment, very happy that he is alive and okay but still very shooken up. I clench onto his waist in an tight embrace. Tears are rolling down my face.

"...Y-You're not d-dead..." I managed to stutter out in a whisper.

He looks down at me with a puzzled expression then pats my shoulder in comfort. I release the embrace then sitting up.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere. I was in the living- are you crying?"

I wipe my eyes with my hands shaking my head quickly.


He laughed and handed me a tissue from box on the nightstand. He sits on the bed beside me.

"Why weren't you in here when I woke up?"

"I was talking to Seungri over the phone. I was about to head to bed when I heard you scream bloody murder."

I looked down slightly embarassed. I didn't mean to scare him. I really couldn't help it and I got so scared suddenly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you and I panicked."

He pats my arm and stands up.

"What did you dream about? It's not like you to panic like this."

I shrugged.

"All I can remember is us getting into a car accident and you bled to death."

"That's not good. It's no wonder you clenched onto me when I came in. I don't think that will ever happen. I don't want you worrying whenever we go out for a drive."

"Okay. I'm sorry about hugging you though. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. I understand you were just scared. We all have bad dreams some times. Let's head to bed okay?"

He got dressed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth in the bathroom. He came back in and got into bed. After saying goodnight he turned off the light.

I let out a sigh as I laid down. I hope I would never have to see something like that happen. I don't want to lose him.

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