Chapter 5: Surgery

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Ji-yong's P.O.V

It took a while but the others finally arrived. I am drawing close to losing all control of my emotions. The hospital called me and told me that Seung-hyun was hurt. He had got attacked. Daesung drove us to the hospital. On the way all I can think about was Seung-hyun. Was he awake? How bad is he hurt? Is he ALIVE? The last thought made me shake. I don't even want to imagine that happening.

The receptionist at the front desk told us he is in emergency surgery. My heart dropped to the floor. I can't believe what I'm hearing. We were shown to a room we can wait in and they will tell us when they get any more information about him and when we can see him.

The whole time we sat there I kept thinking about him. Was he going to pull through? Is the damages fixable? Is he going to recover? Will he have complications?

Whenever any one of the guys asked me if I wanted anything to eat I would shake my head. I'm not leaving this room unless I know what's going on. Tear built up in my eyes after the fifth time that I was asked if I was okay.

"I wish people will stop asking me if I am okay. It's obvious that I'm not and its making it worse if you keep asking me."

Silence. I grab a tissue and stepped out in the hallway for a second. I am driving myself insane worrying like this. All I have been thinking is bad thoughts since I got the call.

A nurse came in the room almost five LONG hours later.

"Are you the friends of Choi Seung-hyun?"

We nod standing up. This is what we've been waiting for. Is to finally get some kind of information about him. Hopefully it will answer some of the questions that is pestering me to know.

"We did have to run some tests and do an emergency surgery. He had a skull fracture and brain bleeding. The surgical procedure was a success and we did get the bleeding to stop. He is now in the intensive care unit recovering. I'm sorry but we aren't allowing any visitors until tomorrow. We will call you with any information."

We thanked the nurse as she turned walking away. The others started to walk out the hall. I follow. I really hated not being able to see him. I wish I could've stopped this from happening. If I had went down to him when he called he wouldn't be here. I should've woken up earlier and went with him. I feel like this is all my fault.

Taeyang must've saw my facial expression. He tried to give my shoulder a pat but I nudged away stomping off toward the opposite exit. I sprinted when I got outside. Tears are stinging my eyes as I ran down the sidewalk. When I made sure I was far away from the hospital I slowed to a walk. I just want to be left alone. I walked in a convenience store and bought a soda. As I walked back up the sidewalk I take a drink. Good thing our house isn't that far. I just want to go home right now and hide. My nerves are so on edge that I am shaking. I know that I am not going to be sleeping well tonight. I just pray that he is going to be okay. He is strong and I have some hope that he can make it through. I really don't want to bury my one and only best friend.

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