Chapter- 12

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Baekhyun's pov

"Ok ok...let's end training today .. we have dinner tonight" suho hyung said

"Yoo hoo..." sehun shout

"Who? Who is gonna treat?" Tao ask

"Me and Kris " suho say.

"Wow....daebak. .." chen say

"I will choose restaurant" Lay say

" not" kai add

"That sound cool also" luhan say

"Ok..let's choose club..but remember..." suho say but kai cut his word and said

"I know I we went last time. .it is quiet good and we can have our privacy "

"Well..then have a shower and we will go" xiu min said

Club? I can't drink...

I don't drink so I don't know what happen to me when I over drank

I hope nothing embarrassing happen. .


All exo members are now finish showering and we r ready to go....

Two cars arrive and we get into cars and it drive away

After a few minute we arrive at club...

It is noisy inside club..

I close my ears..

"Have u never been to club???" Chen ask me. .

"No..i haven't been"

"Then enjoy" he say

Exo members sit around beside a big table and order drinks

Then alcohol arrive..

"Cheers " everyone hold cups and raise

"It is like welcome party for baekhyun hyung isn't it?" Sehun say

"Yes..that's right" D. O agree

"Let's have fun tonight " suho say..

"Nae.." all members reply...

One thing...I don't have much strength to look at chanyeol...I now scare him more than usual

Most members gp to dance floor and dance..

I just look and drink...

I start to feel dizzy and dizzy as I continue drinking..

But i still have my senses

After 3 half of members are drunk and fall asleep..

"Kris..tao is really drunk so take him and go back home...luhan. .u too..take sehun now...maknaes. take maknaes and go back home. ..d.o..u too..take kai" suho order...

I stand up and walk out to find toilet. ..

"Toilet...toilet...." i mumble and walk..

Oh my head is so ache...

I slide down to the wall holding my head..

Toilet....I wanna pee

I stand up again. .

I walk into the toilet..


Chanyeol's pov

Now like half of members are back

I have to go toilet. ..

Where is he? I feel a little sorry for what I did in the evening. ..that I make him cry...

But..but who care. ..

When I walk into toilet. ..I see him..

I walk beside him to go peeing

What is he doing?

"*tsk* why can't I unzip my pant.....why don't u go down u little zip? I wanna go pee" he say..

Is he talking to himself?

I ignore him and do my business. .

Even after I finish mine..he still not finished unzipping his pants .

"What r u doing?" I ask him at last

"I can't unzip them" he say without looking at me

"Do it properly" i say and he then look at me

"Oh..u r yoda...annyeong yoda" he say ..

Huu..he is drunk now

"Boya...why don't u greet back...? Annyeong " he say again

"A..annyeong "i say

"Hee hee...yah yoda...unzip my pant"


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