The family

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This chapter includes coarse language
Let's start the story xx

Ugh. I had to move. Another fucking time, I don't even know how many times I've had to move. Sometimes it's my fault. Ok, it's my fault everytime. But in my defence, I've hated every place I've had to move to. This time, I was at Beauxbatons. Ugh all those girls who had to be "Classy" all the time. Fucking losers. This time I had to go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Maybe this one wouldn't be too bad. Who am I kidding it'll be the same shit as every year.

I'm on a train, moving to a new fucking manor, I think this is the 5th one. Each one has been bigger than the last. My parents were filthy rich, making them vain and disgusting. So of coarse, everything I did was a disappointment, I honestly stopped trying after a while. "No Crying Y/n!" "Don't show your emotion Y/n" the most used sentences of my father. You probably already realised. He's a dick, and as for my mother, she wasn't any better. She sat and watched when my father beat me, yell at me, and more. But oh well, I was taught to never show emotion, so I won't.

"Y/n, eat your food" My father ordered. "Yes father"  I sighed. "You look beautiful Y/n" my mother told me. Bitch stop faking. "Thank you mother" I replied with a fake smile. Dinners with the Y/l/n family were  absolute bull shit. All they did was talk about finance and rarely acknowledge my actual existence. "May I be excused?" I asked. "Yes" my father sighed. I left the table and went straight up to my room. I decided to write a letter to my best friend Haelynn
Dear Haelynn
It's me Y/n, I really miss you and wish I could see you, I don't have any news to tell, I hope you have some for me. Your the only person I really know and love, please write back with news soon
All the love

I wished I could see her, I only knew her, she was the only person who got me, and now, I had to leave her. I gave the letter to my owl, immi and she flew of into the night. I sighed, I was leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow. My trunk was all packed and I was ready to start at another shit school. I only had two more years left, two more years of torture. I don't think I would know anyone at the school, meh it was better that way.

Hey! That was the first chapter, I know it's short but I like to keep them short to keep y'all coming back I'll make future chapters longer ok!

Also if u haven't Eaten, drank, slept or got of your ass for a while, respectfully GET UP AND DO IT!! Love u beautiful people <3

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