Mr Daddy issues

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I walk onto platform 9 3/4. Through a fucken wall. I laugh to myself. "Who are you" A male voice says behind me. "New, you" I reply turning around seeing a abnormally attractive boy . "Oh wow, I notice" he says with a smirk, I roll my eyes. "Ernesto Callinda" the boy tells me. "Y/n Y/l/n" I say and he sticks out his hand with a smirk. I took it. "I'm guessing you don't know your house yet?" He asks. "No not yet" I smile. "What are you in" I ask. "Proudly Slytherin" I laugh. "Well I think we'll be in the same house" I say. "What makes you so sure" he smirks. "I know myself" I say confidently. "Hm" he chuckled. "See you later Callinda" I smirk and get onto the train. I find a compartment with no one in it and put my luggage away. I sit down and close my eyes.

I'm woken up by someone opening the door to my compartment. I see Ernesto, two girls and two boys. "Sup Y/l/n" Ernesto says, I groan. "You had to wake me up" I sigh. Someone scoffs. Then a platinum Blonde boy speaks up "Yes, we did, Ernesto here wouldn't stop talking about you and all your beauty, so to make him shut up, we came here and woke you up" He snapped. I ignore him and laughed, shifting my gaze to Ernesto. He's blushing. "Fuck you bro" he snaps at the blonde. I laugh "Don't worry Ernesto, I know I'm Irresistible" I laugh. The blonde boy scoffs again. Ugh. "Got something to say" I snap. "A lot actually, but I'll save you the embarrassment. "Try me" If looks could fucking kill he'd be dead.

Dracos pov:
"Try me" if looks could kill I reckon I'd be dead. "Anyways, I'm y/n she announced to everyone". Everyone except Pansy who was annoyingly trying to sit on my lap. I raised a hand and pushed her onto the ground. They all laughed. I stayed there and sat with a straight face. I looked at the new girl and noticed her eyes. They were a nice shade of blue. She was the most gorgeous girl I'd se- Fuck Draco, no don't you dare say it. I sighed and looked away. Pansy glared and I shoed her away with my hand. At once she left the compartment. Heh, that bitch is pissing me off more than usual lately. I knew that right now, all she was trying to do was make Y/l/n jealous. Wait, Y/l/n, I recognised that name. My eyes grew wide. Her father was one of the most powerful death eaters, along with my father. Him and my father were always competing. I knew the exact thing to make him finally proud of me.

Y/n's pov:
I was introduced to all those new people. Alice, Blaise, Ernesto, and was told that the girl who left the compartment was called Pansy, apparently she's a whore. The blonde boy was Draco Malfoy, wait Malfoy! That's Lucius' kid! Lucius and my father were always competing! I knew exactly what to do to make my father proud...

The whole train ride we all sat and talked until Ernesto announced "Guys, let's play truth or dare".
"I'm down" Alice told him. "Same" I said. Blaise and Draco just nodded. I looked at Blaise, he was super hot, his dark skin was glowing and clear. Then I looked at Malfoy. God Damn, he's unbelievably sex- NO Y/N DONT SAY IT. I looked away, I can't let myself do that, not after I thought of my plan. No feelings, no feelings, no damn feelings. You know what, I'm allowed to think people are hot. Let me finish that sentence. He's unbelievably sexy...
"Earth to y/n" Blaise laughed. "Oh sorry, yeh what?" I shook my head getting myself out of my thoughts, I looked over to Draco who was smirking at me, oh no, he caught me staring. Fuck! I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. "Truth or dare y/n" Blaise asked. "Dare" I replied with a smirk. "Alrighty then ki"- he was cut off by Draco whispering in his ear. Blaise smirked. "Take your shirt off" he laughed. My mouth dropped open.

How can I do that! I've got bruises covering almost my whole torso! I had to, I could never back down from a dare. They were all laughing and oohing me. "Ugh" I rolled my eyes and lifted my shirt. Their eyes widened and their mouths fell open. "Happy!" I ran out of the compartment and to the bathroom. I started crying. Touching, seeing or even thinking of it made me cry. My father beats me, I had so many bruises on my body I couldn't even wear a crop top. It was really bad. Being away from home and being at Hogwarts would give me time to recover. There's a knock on the door "occupied!" I yell wiping my face. "Y/n it's me" Alice's voice called out. I opened the door, my shirt still off. "Oh honey are you ok?" She asked warmly. I liked her, she was really nice. "I'm so sorry about them" she added. "It's fine Alice" I smiled. "Call me Ally, Alice is too formal I reckon" she told me. "Ok ally" I said. "If you don't mind me asking-" I cut her off "please don't, not yet" I asked. I didn't want to talk about it. "Of course. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a great big hug. I hugged her back. I hesitated for a second but I gave in. It wasn't often this happened. I melted into her arms and started bawling.

Once I had stopped crying we went back to the compartment. The boys were gone. Meh, better for me. "Honey do you want me to stay, I can leave you to rest, we still have an hour till we get to Hogwarts?" She asked. "Yes please Ally" I smiled I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Second chapter done!! I hope y'all are liking it so far. You've had your first encounter with Draco Malfoy! What's to come, also pls leave suggestions for meee! Please eat drink or do something productive babe, luv you beautiful people!!

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