1B) Izuku Midoriya x Reader

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Time Changes Things

I sat in the rec area of our dorms, things have been so different. I learned that Bakugo has a God complex, Iida is actually pretty famous and wealthy, Izuku has a powerful quirk that he can't seem to control, and Ochaco has a thing for the same guy I do. I looked down the hall, sighing. Today was long and super boring. Mineta tried to perv on some poor girl and I threw a book at him from across the hall, so at least there's that. I turned my gaze out the window, trying my best to entertain myself while all my classmates and teachers slept. I almost wanted to go lay down and sleep myself, but, I didn't need it. Maybe someone is awake in their room? 

I shrugged, it was worth a shot to walk around and see if I could see a light from the cracks of doors if they were on in the first place. I made my way silently down the empty halls looking for a sign of light among the dark. After about 15 minutes of walking I was close to giving up, I turned to the corner to go back into the rec room when I went face to chest with someone. 

"oof-" I said, falling on my ass in the hallway. "what the hell? I thought everyone was asleep!" I spoke, getting up and dusting my poor bruised bottom. 

"So did I, what are you doing walking around Y/n?" Izuku asked me, a tiny blush on his almost flustered face. 

"Deku? What are you doing awake?" I said looking into his green eyes. 

His blush worsened, and he sheepishly rubbed his neck. "W-Well, sometimes I can't sleep s-so I walk around outside." 

I nodded, asking if he wanted to hang out on the couch. "Uh, I might actually get reprimanded if I'm caught awake but you can come with me to my room, i-if you want of course."

Now it was my turn to blush, I tucked a strand of my h/c locks behind my ear. "I guess that would make sense seeing as you don't have the Insomnia quirk too, s-sure! Let's go to your room!" I said cheerfully. 

I followed Midoriya to his room, taking mental notes of his obsession with All Might. Oof, and I thought I was a fan girl. "So, Midoriya, you never really answered my question. You kinda just said you couldn't sleep and went on a walk." 

I sat on his bed, using my telekinesis to bring one of his manga's towards me. I looked at the cover and the pages in between but wasn't completely interested in the book. I was more interested in the owner of the book. Sending the book back, I turned my body towards the green haired teen sitting in a computer chair. "Uh, I just have a bunch on my mind is all, I can't really explain it." 

"Well, shoot. You never know, I could help you with this issue." I said, crossing my legs and acknowledging how soft his bed was. 

Oh man if I needed to sleep, this is where I would want to sleep at. I did a little bounce, giggling and not giving two shits if anything on me was bouncing with me. "Well, uh, there's this... this girl that I kinda like." 

I immediately stopped bouncing, looking directly at him. His emerald orbs locking into my own e/c orbs. "Who? Do I know her? Is it the gravity girl?"

He continued to keep eye contact. "I- what? No.. It's someone else, but yeah, I guess you would know her." 

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to remain cool and collected. "Well, she likes you. You're all she talks about when you aren't around. It's kind of aggravating after a while." I crossed my arms. 

"Well it isn't Ururaka, so no need to look jealous, Y/n." He smirked slightly. 

"I am not  jealous, I'm simply stating that she gets annoying sometimes talking about you constantly. Especially since she knows that I li-" 

My mouth instantly shut. I almost spilt beans all over this dudes room. No way was I going to let this happen. "Well who is she? Maybe I can see if she feels the same way."

He smiled, sitting a hand on my shoulder. "What were you about to say? You instantly stopped talking." 

"What? No I didn't, you must be hearing things." I looked away, a small blush on my face. "Ain't no way dude, not me. Nu-uh."

"Tell me Y/n, what were you going to say to me?"

I looked at him, feeling like I was between a rock and a hard place. Should I tell him? What would I gain from it? What was going to be lost if I did say something? I sighed, placing my hands in my lap and fidgeting with my fingers. "Well, that's just it. Should I tell you and feel the pressure leave or do I keep it to myself? What if I tell you and it changes everything? How would things go being in the same class, seeing you every day knowing that I told you what I was about to say and ruined absolutely everything that I have gained since we started school this year? I don't know if I would be able to do tha-" 

Right in that moment, I was silenced. Slightly chapped lips pressed against my own. My face exploded in a red, this was so ballsy for Izuku. I eased into the kiss, slowly realizing what was happening. Without much hesitation I pulled away, softly tapping my lips and muttering to myself. "But wait, why would you- How did you figure out what I was rambling about?" I asked, trying my best not to melt under the pressure. 

"I think I got the hint when you started rambling, you almost never do that. Like, ever Y/n. It had to be the obvious. You forget that I literally pay attention and take notes constantly." 

"That was still pretty ballsy! What if I would have said something completely different?!" I asked, obviously still flustered. "T-The way you executed that was incredibly risky!"

I sat in silence for a few moments, my face softening lightly as I grew a devious smirk on my face. "Wanna do it again?"

I laughed as the tables turned and the blush was on the other face. Needless to say, we spent that night practicing chemistry. 

(A/N: Yes I know, lame ending. But, I will eventually get a lemon done, I just have so many ideas for this x Reader. Please bare with me as I get these parts out of my head so I can sleep again.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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