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▪︎ Splendid ▪︎
- Is 25 years old.
- Uses any pronouns.
- Comes from a different planet.
- His height is 181 and is Genderfluid Pan.
- Has a twin brother, Splendont. (and he's the youngest twin)
- He and Splendont fought each other back then because of the government but now they're cool.
- Used to hate the raccoons but they're on good terms now.
- Came to Earth with his brother because they were curious about it. (their family don't mind since they grew up, they were 17 at that time)
- Used to be a bad superhero but now is getting better.
- Also works as a newspaper reporter.

▪︎ Splendont ▪︎
- Same age as Splendid.
- Uses he/him pronouns.
- Also came from a different planet.
- Same height as his twin brother and is Bisexual (M! lean).
- He fought with his twin back then and flew to nowhere where he doesn't see his face again until he decides to talk to him face-to-face because of guilt.
- Despised Dana because of her irritated self last time and now became another brother figure to her.
- Is actually more of an anti-hero type but does help Splendid with his hero work when his brother goes to his workplace.
- Not good with emotions so Dana helps him with that.

▪︎ Shifty & Lifty ▪︎
- Both are 25 years old.
- Shifty's pronouns are he/they and Lifty's are he/him.
- Lifty was born after Shifty on the same birthday.
- They don't know their parents yet since they only found out that they're also poor.
- Both of their heights are 180 and Shifty is Non-binary Pan whereas Lifty is Pansexual.
- They're kleptomaniacs.
- Lifty is a mechanic while Shifty is an inventor.
- They live in a small and low-budget apartment with Dana.
- They used to steal goods but now they don't feel like it.
- Met Dana when she was pickpocket Shifty and became her brother figures.
- Although they have a sibling rivalry, they still care for one another.

▪︎ Cro-Marmot ▪︎
- Is 6000+ years old.
- Any pronouns is fine with them.
- Their height is same as Lumpy and is Agender Ace.
- He's stuck in a box of ice and still people are theorizing about it.
- He works as an ice-cream seller.

▪︎ Truffles ▪︎
- Is 29 years old.
- Uses he/him pronouns.
- His height is 159 and is a Straight Ally.
- He rarely interacts with anyone so rare chance to meet him.


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